Jojen Reed X Stark!Reader - Wedding Nerves (requested)

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You had never been so terrified in your entire life. Standing in your chambers in an uncomfortable white gown, your hair pulled into some overly intricate up-do that was completely unlike you. It wasn't normal to be getting all dolled up, especially not for Jojen. In fact, you were pretty certain that he'd ever seen you in a dress of any sort, and now your wedding dress would likely be the first and last.

You were standing beside Sansa, who was trying her hardest to calm you down, with no luck. "What can I do, Y/N?" she begged as you fanned your hands around, trying to get out some of the built up anxious energy.

"Nothing, you can't do anything," you told her, your eyes filling with tears as you began to panic. "What if he doesn't turn up?" you questioned her in your frenzy and her face softened.

"He'll be there," she started, her voice firm as she held you still by your upper arms, stopping you from continuing to bounce around the room.

"I look ridiculous," you murmured as your shoulders fell from their tense position and she frowned again.

"You look beautiful," she responded. It was weird to be here with Sansa. As children you were never close and you had much preferred Arya's company, but losing your mother and father had driven you back together at full force, and now you were much closer with all your siblings than you ever had been. 

You had taken a few shaking breathes when there was a knock on the door and Jon walked in. "Everyone's waiting," he told you with a small, tight-lipped smile. "Are you sure you want me to give you away?" he asked for what seemed like the hundredth time since you had requested it of him.

"Of course I do, you're my brother," you told him as you linked your arm through his and continued to focus on your breathing, watching as your two sisters left to find their seats for the ceremony.

"He looks really nervous, you know?" he told you and you looked up at him in shock. "Almost as scared as you are," he added and you attempted a small smile.

There was a lull in your talking as you waited to go downstairs to meet your groom and you were relieved when Jon broke the silence. "Are you ready to become Lady Reed?" he asked, watching as you shrugged.

"I don't know," you uttered. "I love him, but I'm absolutely terrified," you laughed out nervously and he smiled down at you.

"You'll be fine," he started, giving your hand a quick squeeze before opening the door and helping you out and down the stairsm into the gardens where the ceremony would be held. As you rounded the corner, you saw your husband to be standing there and your nerves all fell away.

Your eyes met his as you walked down the make shift aisle, meeting him in front your small families. He leant over to kiss your cheek when you finally reached him. "You look beautiful," he whispered before moving away and your cheeks darkened in a blush as he took your hand.

"Don't get too used to it," you responded quickly, causing him to chuckle as you both turned to take your vows.

*Time Skip*

"I can't wait to be out of this stupid gown," you huffed as you sat watching the festivities, causing Jojen to laugh as you shook your head. "You're so lucky you've never had to wear one," you added as you shuffled about, trying to get comfortable.

"I'll admit, I'm very happy that I'll never have to," he smiled at you and you rolled your eyes at his small smirk.

"Y/N, come and dance with me," you heard Sansa call across the hall. She had been drinking a little too much throughout the day, but you knew better than to fight it, and you rose to your feet.

"Are you going to join us on the dance floor?" you asked him, a smile spreading as he nodded up at you.

"I would be honoured," he replied, getting up and taking your hand to lead you to where the rest of the guests where already dancing.

As you began to dance, Jojen pulled you close to press a kiss to your lips, causing you to giggle as you swayed together, enjoying one of the first truly relaxed and happy moments you'd been allowed in a long time.

"I love you," he muttered into your ear and you pulled back to smile up at him, pressing your lips against his gently before moving back close to continue dancing.

"I love you too," you whispered as you rested your head on his shoulder, relaxing into his hold and calming down entirely.

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