Chapter Two

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I wake up to the sound of arguing. It was Grayson and his mom. They've been fighting a lot lately, but I haven't bothered asking about it just in case it was a sensitive topic. I try to make out what they are saying, but it's all mumbled. I moved closer to my bedroom door and was finally able to hear them.

"Somebody needs to tell her, Grayson," Mrs. Dolan said, "and it better not be me." she exits his room and walks upstairs. I walk back to my bed and plop down reaching for my phone. I hear stomping throughout the house and then right outside my room until the door opens very slowly, revealing a very tired, slumped over Grayson. He sees that I am awake and fully opens the door and shuts it fast before walking over to my bed. He throws himself face down onto the mattress and lets out a long groan of frustration. 

"Sleep well?" I jokingly ask him, pulling my knees to my chest. He rolls over onto his back and sighs, he looks at me and then looks at the ceiling, something was definitely bothering him.

"Amazing" he says full of sarcasm, shutting his eyes. I stare at him for what seems like forever hoping he'd fall asleep and wake up in a better mood, but before he can fall asleep, Ethan comes into the room and sits on the bed next to me. Grayson opens his eyes and sits up across from Ethan, avoiding eye contact with either of us.

"Gray, what's got mom so pissed off?" Ethan asks quietly so she wouldn't hear him. Grayson rolls his eyes annoyed and gets off the bed. He stands for a couple seconds, almost hesitant of what to say before walking to the door and yelling,

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" walking out of the room and slamming the door behind him. I jump at the sudden bang and look at Ethan who was still looking at the door in shock. After a few minutes of silence, Ethan looks at me with a concerned look on his face. 

"Anna, something's wrong, Grayson always tells me everything." he says shifting on the bed.

"Maybe he's just in a bad mood," I say getting up, "you want to go get some breakfast?" 

He replied with a hum in agreement and left me to get dressed. I chose a pair of ripped jeans and a black Adidas sweater. I brush my hair out and don't even bother with makeup. I slid on my white converse before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walk into the kitchen to wait on Ethan and once he's ready, we drive to the little coffee shop downtown. We order our food and sit at a table to wait on it, we didn't really talk much since both of us were still a little shocked at Grayson's words this morning, but all was forgotten by the time our food came. We ate and then decided to go to the mall because Ethan wanted to buy some new shirts. 

"What about this one?" Ethan asks holding a purple crew neck sweatshirt up to his torso and turning to face me.

"I like that," I say barely glancing up at him. I was too worried about Grayson to be concerned with what color shirt looks better on Ethan. He looks at me in displeasure and puts the shirt back. He sighs and walks up to me,

"I didn't bring you shopping with me to watch you mope around the entire time" I look up into his eyes and past the deep brown I can see his concern. I let out a deep breath before looking down at the ground. I do feel bad, Ethan's just trying to lighten the mood and distract me from negative thoughts, he doesn't deserve me acting like this.

"I'm sorry, E," I say sincere, looking at him, "c'mon let's get you that shirt". We walk back to the rack and we pick it up and he buys it. We thank the cashier and walk out of the shop. We get to the car and Ethan puts his bags in the back.

"Did you want to go anywhere else, Anna?" he asks shutting the door. 

"No, we've been out for nearly 3 hours now, let's head back home" I reply climbing into the passenger side.

We arrive back home and no one is to be found. Ethan said he wasn't going to bother Grayson for the rest of the day, which is probably a good thing, so he follows me to my bedroom. I open the door to see Grayson crying on my bed, which was clear of sheets and blankets. I noticed the room felt empty and looked around; all my stuff was gone, shelves were empty and as were the walls. Grayson looks up at me when I walk in. I take notice to the full garbage bags on the floor. I walk to my closet, empty, all of my belongings are gone. I turn back around and make eye contact with Grayson, he stands, eyes bloodshot and hair a mess from him running his hands through it. 

"Anna," he says walking towards me, "there's something I need to tell you."

A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!! Hope you're enjoying the story! It's a little boring right now, but it'll get better soon I promise! :) As always, feedback is appreciated.

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