Chapter Six

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We sit in silence. I'm still shocked by Grayson's words. There's no way mom could've hit him, he must've imagined it before he passed out. Mom would've never ran from the accident, especially if she knew it was him behind the wheel. Grayson snaps me out of my thoughts when he starts complaining about his side hurting. He rang for the nurse to bring him more pain killers, but instead of the nurse walking into his room, a police officer walks in. 

"Mr. Dolan?" he questions, nodding his head towards Grayson.

"That would be me" Grayson replies, groaning as he sits up. The officer takes a seat in the chair on the other side of Grayson. He shakes Gray's hand and clears his throat.

"I'm officer Dunlap, I'm here to get the story on your accident. Says here you're 16 years old?"

"Yes, sir."

"So tell me exactly what you remember before blacking out." Grayson explains everything that happened up until he was hit. The officer records everything on his notepad and looks back up to Grayson. "Do you remember what kind of car hit you?" he asked.

"It was a white Jeep Patriot." he coughs, then grabbing his side in pain. The officer nods and writes down the information. The officer goes on, asking him questions like if he was drinking or if he was under the influence; Grayson denied. 

"The woman at fault for hitting you is Nancy Brown, we will be charging her-" Grayson looks over at me confused.

"Nancy Brown?" he whispered. Nancy Brown was Anna's mom's name. 

"Yes, sir. When we inspected the vehicle, no body was found, but we found an I.D. for Nancy Brown." the officer says standing up.

"So you're going to go off of an I.D. you found in the abandoned car? It could be fake! Someone could be getting framed!" Grayson said. 

"Unless you have anymore information regarding who was in that vehicle, we can only use the evidence we have now." The officer started to sit back down but Grayson stopped him.

"I do not." The officer said goodbye and left the room. I looked at Grayson who had his eyes shut.

"What the hell are you doing? You said mom was in the car!" I yell.

"I'm not putting out any specific information until I figure out what's really going on." He said keeping his eyes shut. I rub my hands over my face, irritated. 

"If you tell them you remember who hit you later, they're going to think you made it up. Or did you make it up? I don't know what to believe anymore Gray!" I say standing and walking towards the door. 

"I'm just trying to protect the people I love!" he yells. I exit the room and slam the door behind me. I nearly trip over a person who was sitting on the ground, hunched over and appeared to be crying.

"Anna?" she looks up at me, tears streaming from her eyes, "you didn't leave?"

"How was I supposed to leave with your car?" she asks annoyed. I forgot I had been the one to drive us here, I forgot she was here.

"Let's go home" I say offering my hand to help her up. She ignores my hand and she looks straight ahead.

"I don't have a home anymore, remember?" 

"Anna don-" 

"Just take me to the hotel down town. I'll get my things some other time" she says pushing past me and walking towards the hospital exit. 

A/N: Chapter 6 is upppppp! Hope you enjoy!:)

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