Chapter Thirteen

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                                                                                    *ETHAN'S POV* 

Grayson sat at the edge of my bed with his head in his hands. After several accounts of me trying to change the subject and failing, I gave up. We've been sitting in silence since Anna left.  Speaking of, what's taking Anna so long? I look at my phone and see it's almost 5:30, she's been gone for 3 hours. I turn away from our computer desk and look at Gray.

"Have you heard from Anna?" He stares at his feet while playing with his bracelet.

"Not since she left, why?"

"She's been gone for 3 hours, bro, she should be back by now, or at least have texted us" he looks up at me and scratches the side of his face.

"I'll call her" Grayson sighs and walks out of the room, leaving me to keep refreshing these police reports.

                                                                                  *GRAYSON'S POV*

I walk out of E's bedroom and walk downstairs while dialing Anna's number. I hit the call button and press my ear to the phone anticipating hearing her voice, instead I get 5 rings and a voicemail recording. 

Shit, I thought to myself. I call again and it goes straight to voicemail. 

Please pick up your damn phone Anna!  I was growing more and more impatient and anxious as thoughts of what Anna could be doing right now float through my head. She's fine, right? She's 17 years old, she's okay. I pace around the living room trying to calm my paranoid self down.

                                                                                      *ANNA'S POV*

"Mom?" I say barely audible. Chills go down my spine when I feel a presence behind me. I hear footsteps walk around me and then I feel a breath on my face.

"Hello, Anna." The voice of my mother growls at me. I feel my knees go weak, and she must've noticed, because she pushed down on my shoulders causing me to fall onto my knees. I can hear a footsteps walk around me. So many questions fill my head, but I was too scared to ask one. My mother is dead. Who is this woman? 

"Mom? What are you doing? Please help me!" I cry. 

"Shut up, Anna! Shut up for once, you're always whining!" The woman yells, this is not my mother, it can't be, I choke back my tears and kneel silently. The lights come on. I'm in a room, a small room, by myself, the woman is gone, there's an old rocking chair, and a hospital bed. I look around at the walls, red paint was smeared in some sections along with a red hand print.

Oh my god, I thought, That's not paint. 

I continue to look around the room, there were pictures of people plastered on the wall, most of them I didn't know, but then I saw my mom, who had a red X on her mouth, then Grayson, with the same red X, and then next to Grayson, my picture. 

A/N: Here's an update! It may not be my best, but it is almost 3am and i wanted to get this up for you guys! Enjoy my babes!

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