Chapter Nine

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*Grayson's POV*

I wake up to the feeling of the IVs in my arm being taken out. I open my eyes and see my nurse removing the tubes from my arms. She notices I'm awake and smiles at me. She puts bandages on to cover where the tubes were and she looks at me again,

"Are you excited to go home today?" she asks. I look at her and try not to laugh, how could I be excited to go home when I have to deal with hell there? I'm still confused from Ethan's visit last night, but that I keep to myself. 

"Excited to go home? No. Ready to get out of here? Yes." I say, she chuckles and cleans the cuts on my forehead. I wince at the pain. "What time is it?" I ask. There was no clock in this room and they won't let me use my phone because of my concussion.

"7:30am. Did your brother say what time he'd be here today?"

"First thing in the morning, so around 3pm or so" She laughs and walks out of the room. She comes back a few minutes later with a bowl of cereal and a muffin for my breakfast. I thank her and she leaves the room again. I eat all that I can and end up boring myself to sleep. I wake up at 12. I stare at the white ceiling refusing to think about what's going on at home. What did I do to deserve my own mother trying to kill me? Stop it, Grayson. You don't need anymore stress. The door opens, snapping me out of my thoughts and revealing a sloppy looking Ethan. 

"You ready, bro?" he asks walking to my bed. 

"Get me out of here."  he grabs my arm and helps me up. My legs feel like jello, but I ignore it as Ethan hands me a change of clothes. I change into them and he walks me to the front desk. He gives me a pair of sunglasses to wear so the lights don't bother my eyes. We check out and start walking to the car. The walk is silent as is the drive home. I wonder if Anna is still there, but I don't ask. We pull up to the driveway and Ethan helps me out of the car and walks me to the door. He knocks on the door instead of using his key. Anna answers, she opens the door not making eye contact with me. I walk in and sit on the couch because I don't feel like walking upstairs.

"You wanna go upstairs, Gray?" Ethan asks standing behind the couch. 

"No, I'm fine" he nods his head and walks upstairs. Did last night even happen? He's acting like he didn't just tell me my mom tried to kill me just 12 hours ago. 

Anna walks back into the living room and sits on the other side of the couch. I look at her, she's so angelic, perfect. My eyes start tearing when I think about her, I hurt her, she hates me. She stares blankly at the tv, avoiding eye contact with me again. The unusual silence and tension kills me.

"Anna" I whisper barely audible. She clenches her jaw before glancing over in my direction, but not at me. "Anna please" I choke out. She looks at me, scared, tears threatening to spill from her big hazel eyes.

"What is it Grayson?" she mutters trying not to break. 

"I love you" I whisper.

"Stop" she stands up, starting to walk away but I grab her wrist. She turns around startled by my touch. She looks at me with dark eyes, she looks so tired. 

"Stay, okay?" I beg.

"Grayson, no I can't."

"I'll explain everything, Anna please!" she sighs and sits back down. I explain to her how my mom was pressuring me to get to Anna and everything else but I leave out the note from mom taking a hint Ethan hadn't told her yet.

"Why did your mom want me gone so bad?" she asks after my 5 minute monologue.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out with your help." 

"I've caused enough trouble, you don't need anymore"

"Anna you've been no trouble at all, I've just been an ass to you and I'm so so sorry" I reach for her hand and she takes it. She smiles softly.

"I know you are, and I forgive you for trying to make me homeless" she says jokingly. I roll my eyes and she laughs and hugs me tight. I wince at the pain in my ribs.

"Ouch" I mumble. 

"Oh, God, sorry Gray!" She exclaims. I smile at her.

Boy am I glad to have her back.

A/N: Here's chapter 9!!!! Ahaha it sucks but I needed to update so hope ya enjoyyyyyyy

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