Chapter Five

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 *Ethan's Pov*

"Leave, Anna" Grayson says. I look at Anna and then look down to the ground knowing if I looked in her eyes, I would back down. She sighs and exits the room. I pull up a chair next to Gray's bed and we sit in silence for a few minutes. I run my hands through my hair annoyed. I need to know what was going on and I need to know now.

"Bro, you gotta tell me what's going on. This is getting out of hand. First, you leave Anna homeless and then you nearly kill yourself." I lean forward, "what's next? You throw me out? Another accident?" Grayson looks at me, not knowing what to say. He shuts his eyes tight before opening them again. He lets out a shaky breath and looks at the ceiling. "You can tell me what's wrong, Grayson. Please don't keep secrets from me." He looks back to me and opens his mouth to speak.

"Mom has been pressuring me to kick Anna out for months now," he takes a deep breath before continuing, "she told me that Anna can't be in our lives anymore, there's something about her that we don't know, Ethan. Something that mom knows, but when I would ask her what Anna did she wouldn't tell me! She would just say Anna isn't who we think she is. What the heck is that supposed to mean?" he says angrily. I sit there and take in what he just told me. Why would our mom want Anna gone? Mom has always treated her like a daughter. And why was mom using Grayson to get to Anna? "Ethan, I love Anna, and it kills me to have to do this to her, but I have no choice. She must hate me, I've totally destroyed our friendship. The look on her face when I told her we were kicking her out made me so sick, I just had to leave. I couldn't take the thought of her angry at me. So I went for a drive and I got to thinking that I need to figure out what's going on, because I can't sit here and be mom's puppet and do her dirty work myself. I need to put an end to this and find out who the real bad guy is. While I was driving, I guess I must have gotten distracted and-"

"Somebody hit you." I cut him off, understanding everything he just said. 

He looks at me concerned. "After my car stopped spinning, I turned and looked at the other car to make sure the person was okay. Ethan, it was m-mom's car and she was running away from the scene. S-she looked at me and ran, not looking back. Her c-car started smoking and there was a b-bang and I blacked out" he choked out, he started crying and I stood to my feet angry.

"Mom hit you? And ran?" I shouted. Nothing made sense. 

A/N: Here's a short update! Hope you like it :)

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