Chapter Ten

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*Anna's POV*

Grayson and I lay on the couch watching The Office. I laugh at a joke one of the characters makes on the show. I see Grayson look and smile at me through the corner of my eye, I turn to look at him and smile. He explained to me why he was upset this past week, and as confused as I am right now, I think it's best if I don't ask to much about it. I wonder if Ethan knows about it. Speaking of, where was Ethan? He went upstairs when he got home, but that was over an hour ago.

"Where's Ethan?" I ask Grayson. He shrugs.

"I don't know, he went upstairs earlier. Maybe he fell asleep." he says looking at the tv. 

"I'm gonna go check on him then." I sigh standing up.

"C'mon, Anna," he whines, "you've been hanging out with Ethan all week, spend time with me!" he pouts. 

"I know, but-" he pulls me down before I can argue. He puts his legs on mine blocking me from getting up. Great. Hours pass and Grayson falls asleep so I decide it's time to go check on Ethan. I pry Gray's legs from mine gently and walk upstairs. 

*Ethan's POV*

After leaving Grayson downstairs with Anna, I decide to go upstairs and figure out what was going on. I look online for any police reports on Grayson's accident, none. I refresh the page and something pops up. "Driver killed in crash January 19th." January 19th was the day of the accident. I click on it and pictures of Grayson's car pop up. Only one picture of my mom's car comes up. I scroll down to look for the article and my jaw drops when I read it.

A fatal car accident happened on Hollywood Lane on January 19th, this past Monday. One driver who is a middle aged woman, named Nancy Brown, is responsible for the accident and is missing. No sights of her have been reported since the accident. Police are on the watch for the woman, according to her records, she is dangerous. So, if you see her please call your local police department or 911. As for the other driver, 16 year old Grayson Dolan was severely injured and taken to the emergency room, where he later died overnight from his injuries. 

I get up to go get Grayson, but I run into Anna. She stumbles back but I catch her balance.

"Oh, hey. Gray and I were getting worried about you" she says still holding my arms.

"Yeah, sorry, I fell asleep. I was actually going to talk to him right now." I say walking past her and jogging downstairs. I walk behind the couch and put a hand on Grayson's shoulder, startling him. "Oh, sorry, man." I say. He looks up to me and grins.

"Anna and I are friends again!" he whispers excitedly. 

"That's great, bro. Come upstairs with me real quick" I say trying to be quiet so Anna doesn't ask questions.

"Why?" he asks. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Just come on" I say walking away knowing he'd follow me, and he does. We walk back upstairs and it sounds like Anna's in the shower. I walk into my room with Grayson hot on my heels. I sit at my desk and he sits on the bed. I pull the article back up and push my chair away from the desk and stand up. 

"Sit" I demand. He gets up and sits back down in my chair. He looks at me wondering what to do next, his concussion must've erased all his common sense. "Read that" I say pointing to the computer screen. He turns around and reads the screen. His eyes nearly pop out of his head as he reads.

"What the hell is that?" He asks shocked. 

"The police report on your car accident" I say standing behind him.

"Nancy Brown? Dangerous? Alive? I'm dead?" he asks still staring at the screen.

"Look I don't know what's going on, but you cannot tell Anna" 


"You can't tell her anything. Not about the accident, not about Nancy, not about mom's note, nothing. Got it?" he sighs and rubs his face. I felt bad, he had just repaired his relationship and now he has to lie to her again. 


A/N: Here's chapter 10. I didn't want to make this chapter too long, but I didn't know how to end it. Some EXTREME things are about to happen in the next couple of chapters so stay tuned ;) 

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