Chapter Three

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I stand in front of Grayson waiting for an explanation, my heart pounding at the thought of what could be happening. I look to Ethan, who seems just as shocked as I am, before looking back to Grayson. 

"My mo-uh, we don't um, you can't live here anymore" he mumbles looking down to the floor.

"W-what?" I choke out, feeling uneasy. Tears burn my eyes as I feel my chest tighten. A guilty expression washes over his face, he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"Grayson," Ethan says angrily, "what the hell is going on?" Grayson stands and walks to the garbage bags. He picks one up in each hand and gives them to me.

"You have to leave, right now," he says getting frustrated, "we don't want you here"

"Grayson, I-I have nowhere else to go!" I cry. He just looks at me and leaves the room, Ethan angry and hot on his heels, leaving me scared and alone in the bedroom that was no longer mine. 

*Ethan's POV*

I follow Grayson into his room and shut the door behind me so no one could hear us. My blood boiling as I clench my hands into fists. Grayson sits on his bed and puts his head in his hands. I stand by the door in case he tries to leave. We sit in silence until I hear his sniffles turn into soft sobs.

"Grayson," I say trying to gain his attention, "what are you doing?" he tries to calm himself down before answering but he fails and starts crying harder. I let him cry and when he finally calms down after what felt like hours, I ask again. He looks at me with his tired bloodshot eyes, he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. He takes in a deep breath and exhales.

"Mom doesn't want Anna living with us anymore," he blurts out, "and sh-she doesn't want us to see her". My heart drops to my stomach but I try to remain calm.

"What? Why?" I ask. My head was spinning, nothing was making sense, I felt like I was dreaming.

"Anna isn't," he sniffles, "she isn't who we thought she was, bro." We've known Anna our whole lives, something's not right. 

"How could you say that," I ask becoming furious, "she's our best friend, Grayson!" He stands becoming tense and bringing his face close to mine and says,

"Not anymore" he pushes past me, leaving me alone to figure out what was going on.  I heard a car door slam and see Grayson pulling out of the driveway. I decide to go check on Anna.

*Grayson's POV*

I drive, no specific destination in mind, and follow wherever the road takes me. My grip on the steering wheel so tight, my knuckles were turning white. My mother has been pressuring me to kick Anna out of our house for nearly two months now. When I would ask why she wouldn't say anything specific, just that Anna isn't who she says she is. She said she didn't want her in our lives anymore, that she needs to be forgotten, erased from our memories. I've been wondering why she wanted me to tell her, but after telling Anna today, I realized why I had to be the one to tell her; out of the three of us, Anna and me were the closest, always have been. So if I was the one to kick her out, it would hurt her the worst. I feel like such an ass, I should've explained my situation, but I can't just throw my mom under like that. I feel bad that I can't tell Ethan, but not as much as I feel bad for destroying my friendship with Anna. She means the world to me and now she hates me. I just threw her out into the street, she has nowhere to go, and no one to take care of her. I keep driving and try to think of ways to find what my mom and Anna are apparently hiding. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the sound of breaks and see headlights. Everything becomes a blur and I feel a sharp pain throughout my entire body.

A/N: Here's an update! Things are starting to get interesting ;) Let me know what you think! 

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