Chapter Fourteen

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Grayson's POV

"Ethan have you heard back from the police?" I asked pacing back and forth through my bedroom. Anna has been missing for 3 days and no one has heard from her. Ethan and I have not slept since she's left the house, and the tension is high.
"Not since the last time I called, Grayson." He replied irritated as that was the 3rd time I had asked him in the last hour. Hot tears ran down my face, the thoughts of what could be happening or could've already happened to Anna are killing me.
"Maybe we should check Target again." I suggest.
"Bro, we've checked there like 5 times and they haven't seen her."
"Then I don't know what to do Ethan! Anna could be in trouble and you're just sitting there on your ass doing nothing!" I spat through tears.
"Okay Grayson. I have called the police at least 8 times everyday asking for updates. I have driven all over this town for days looking for Anna. And you have the audacity to say I've done nothing?" He yells walking towards me.
"Anna is in trouble, now isn't the time to argue, okay?" I say trying to calm him down. He sighs and flops on to the bed.


I've lost track of time. I don't know what day it is, but I know several have gone by. I'm exhausted, I haven't slept, they barely feed me. I've spent most of my days here screaming for help and trying to find a way out. Today I discovered a secret door across the room but it's bolted shut. The woman who I thought was my mom hasn't come back from what I can tell. I'm worried about the boys and I'm worried about my future. I'm starting to believe I'm going to die soon. I feel weak, sick, I don't have much motivation in me now.
"Help me please" I cried softly laying on the floor. Sobs escaped my mouth as thoughts of what my future holds float in my mind. I'm never getting out of here.


I was woken up by the sound of footsteps entering the room. I stir in my sleep, but sit up. My eyes are so puffy I can barely see what's in front of me.
"Eat up, bitch. Your time is ticking." The woman says through gritted teeth. Her voice sends chills down my spine, this time sounding more like Mrs. Dolan. Her voice makes me think of Grayson, I wonder if he's trying to find me, I hope he is.
Crackers and some weird substance are placed on the floor in front of me, she unties my hands so I can eat and walks out of the room. I take a bite of the cracker and I've already lost my appetite. I haven't had one since I've been stuck down here. I find myself daydreaming of my home, I hope the boys are safe, I hope Grayson is recovering. I wish I was home. Sudden loud banging from the wall interrupts my thoughts. The banging continues and I run towards it, I hit the wall as hard as I can over and over again,

A/N: Hello! Here's chapter 14, enjoy!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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