Chapter Eight

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*Ethan's POV*

I lay awake, waiting to hear Anna's breathing even out when she falls asleep. Finally, I can hear soft snores escape her mouth and I decide go back to the hospital. I slowly pry myself from her grasp and sit up on the bed. I gently push myself off the bed and tip toe out of my room. I quietly walk downstairs and walk out to my car. I look at the glowing clock in my car. 2:13 am. They probably won't even let me see him, but I start driving anyway. I park my car and run into the building. The same woman at the front desk from earlier looked at me,

"Back so soon?" she asks smiling.

"Am I allowed to see him at this time? I just had to run a few errands." I say walking to the desk. 

"You may" I return the smile and walk to his room. I get to his room and open the door. The doctor was talking to Grayson. I decided to wait outside for the doctor to leave so I wouldn't blurt out anything extreme. The doctor exits the room and looks at me. 

"Are you here for Grayson Dolan?" he asks.

"Yes sir, I am his brother, Ethan." I say shaking his hand. 

"Looks like there are no major injuries, but he did fracture his ribs and has a minor concussion. Good news is he should be able to go home tomorrow."

"That's great. Thank you Dr....?"

"Hall" He smiled.

"Thank you Dr. Hall, we appreciate the help" 

"That's what I'm here for" he patted my back before walking away. I walk into Grayson's room and sit in the seat I was sitting in just a couple hours ago. Grayson's eyes are shut, but he must know it's me in the room with him because he asks,

"Did you come here to accuse me of lying again?" I sigh and scratch the back of my head.

"No, I went and took Anna home be-"

"God, the girl does not understand what 'You can't live here anymore' means" he interrupted, opening his eyes

"Grayson! She needs a place to stay! She begged me to take her to the nasty ass motel downtown, and I can't do that to her because unlike you, I still care about her." he huffs, frustrated and he rubs a hand over his face. "I took her home and left when she fell asleep and I don't plan on her knowing I left her at the house alone so let's move quickly please."

"Well why couldn't you just wait until tomorrow then?" he asks after a few minutes.

"Because I found this on the kitchen counter" I say pulling the note from earlier out from my pocket and handing it to him. He takes it and looks at me confused before looking at it. He reads it over and over again. 

"What's this?" he asks after reading it for probably the 15th time.

"Note from mom," I say, "Gray, do you know what this means?" 

"That my own mother tried to kill me" he cries.

"Grayson, tell me the truth. Why do you hate Anna?" 

"Anna has nothing to do with anything!" he yells.

"It sure as hell has to do with something!"

"I hate when people lie to me and Anna-"

"Anna has not lied to you!"

"But mom said-"

"Are you really gonna believe mom after what she tried to do to you?" Grayson laid back, defeated. 

"I've been such an idiot" I didn't reply since I couldn't argue with him. I decide it's probably better to just discuss everything when he gets home. I start to stand up but Gray stops me,

"When do I get to leave?" he asks.

"I'll pick you up first thing in the morning" I say and he nods. I give him a hand shake and walk out of his room and drive back home.

4:00 AM

A/N: Here's just a filler because I have writers block atm and I needed to update but hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote!!:)

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