Chapter Seven

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*Anna's POV*

I climb into Ethan's car without saying a word. He climbs in but doesn't start the car, I could feel him staring at me. I look out of my window, trying to avoid conversation. I hear him clear his throat as he finally starts the car. We pull out of the parking space and tears spill from my eyes. I let them fall not bothering to wipe them off, I take a deep breath and try to keep calm. Ethan drives out of the parking lot and pulls over onto the main road. We drive for what felt like hours, I dreaded getting to the hotel because I knew I wouldn't be able to pay. I try to make a plan of what to do after he drops me off, but my thoughts are disturbed when Ethan speaks up.

"Anna, please don't make me take you there. At least come home for tonight, and if you still want out tomorrow, we'll find you a place. Please, Anna, I can't let myself do this to you." we stop at a red light and I look at him in disgust.

"Don't you get it?" I raise my voice, "it doesn't matter what I want, you're family does not want me to live there anymore! I am not wanted by anyone, Ethan. So let me do all of you a favor."

"Grayson is staying at the hospital tonight, so he won't know." he says trying to grab my hand. I pull away and roll my eyes.

"Your mother doesn't want me there either." I look at him, he clenches his jaw and runs his free hand in his hair. He looks to me and then back at the road.

*Ethan's POV* 

"Your mother doesn't want me there either" Anna said. I forgot she didn't know anything about what had happened tonight. I probably shouldn't tell her though, she's been through enough today.

"She won't be home," I say, trying to quickly come up with a reason why, "she went out of town this afternoon, won't be back for a couple days." She looks at me and then scoffs. "What?" I said thinking she didn't believe me. 

"Did she even come see Gray in the hospital?"

"No, like I said, she's out of town. We called her and told her he was okay." I make a U turn and start driving towards home. 

"I never said I wanted to go to your-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Anna, I am not taking you to some stupid, rundown hotel in the middle of nowhere when you can literally stay in the comfort of your own house." I say, not taking no for an answer. She kept quiet, not arguing with me as I continue to drive home. I pull up into the drive  way and hop out of the car. I quickly walk to the front door and unlock it,

"Mom?" I yell, hoping she wasn't there. It was dead silent and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thought you said she was out of town." Anna said walking behind me.

"She is, I was just making sure she didn't change her mind and come back" I walk into the kitchen and spot a note on the counter. I grab it and stuff it into my pocket before Anna can see it and follow her upstairs. She tells me she is going to take a shower so I leave her alone and go to my room. I pull the now crumbled piece of paper and unfold it.


I'm sorry to do this, but I can no longer live here knowing I killed my son. I'm sorry for not explaining myself for my actions these past few months. I'm just trying to protect you. Stay strong, Ethan. 

I love you.


Wait, mom thinks she killed Grayson? It must've been her in the accident after all. But the officer said Nancy Brown was responsible for the accident. She hit Grayson meaning to kill him. A tear slips down my cheek as I thank God that Gray made it. I hear Anna walk out of the bathroom and quickly hide the note. I need to go back to the hospital and talk to Grayson. My thoughts jumble together and I sit down letting everything set in. 

*Anna's POV*

I pull a pair of sweats from one of the garbage bags and an old shirt from another. I quickly dress myself and walk to Ethan's room. I see him walk to his bed and sit down, he looks like he's going to pass out. 

"Ethan, are you okay?" I ask walking into the room. He looks at me, eyes lifeless, and face pale.

"Y-yeah" he croaked, "just thinking about everything that has happened today." I sit next to him and hug his shoulders. 

"I saw the police go into his room," I say after moments of silence, "what did they want?"

"Insurance information" he whispers, not looking at me.

We stay like that for awhile, then both drifting off into a not-so-peaceful sleep.

A/N: Chapter 7 update!! Hope you're liking the book so far! Don't forget to vote!:) 

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