Chapter Four

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*Anna's POV*

I heard Grayson leave the house and I slide my back down the wall and sit on the floor. My head is spinning and my ears were ringing. It was becoming difficult to breathe as I gasp for air. Tears flooded my eyes, blurring my vision. I hear my door open and close but I don't bother to look who it is. I feel Ethan sit next to me and wrap me in his arms. He whimpers and I feel his hot tears land on my cheeks next to mine. 

"We're going to figure this out, A, I promise." he whispers, kissing my head. I am so scared and confused that I can't help but to cry harder. Grayson hates me and I have no idea why. Everything was great just a few days ago. What could I have done to change that? Ethan and I sit like that for awhile until Ethan's phone starts ringing. He sits up and grabs his phone from the table. 

"It's Grayson," he says barely whispering, he stands up and and answers. I watch his facial expressions go from annoyed to confused to worried within seconds, "yes, sir, I'm on my way now" he says and hangs up. I give him a weird look, afraid to speak.

"That was the police, Grayson's been in an accident" he says helping me up, "we gotta go". He guides me out of the house, we were running but everything was going in slow motion. His words replayed over and over in my head. I felt so numb, I couldn't move, I couldn't think. My life was spiraling out of control and no one knows why. The car ride was long and silent, the only noise around was coming from people honking their horns whenever Ethan would cut them off or run a red light. He was tense, grip tight on the steering wheel, eyes straight forward and jaw clenched. Another car horn blew and I decided to speak up.

"Ethan, drive a little slower please," I say but he doesn't listen, "please, Ethan, we're going to be in an accident too if you don't slow down." he drives up to a red light as if he was going to run in but stomps on the break, coming to an immediate stop. 

"Sorry, Anna, but I'm a little more concerned about my brother than if I get a freaking ticket or not" he says annoyed.

"Whether we get there now or in 10 minutes, nothing is going to change. So you can sit here and risk both of our lives or you can drive like you have some sense!"  I raise my voice. We are both under a lot of pressure right now causing us to be more aggravated. He sighs before nodding his head and starts driving normally and within a couple minutes we pull up to the hospital. He parks the car, but doesn't get out. He looks over to me, today's conflicts catching up with him. 

"I'm so sorry, Anna" he cries. I unbuckle my seat belt and climb out of the car walking to the driver's side. I open his door and pull him in for a hug. He holds me tight and cries even harder, I cry with him. Today has been awful, I lost my best friend emotionally, but now I might lose him physically too.

"C'mon, E, let's go in" I say helping him out of the car. We walk up to the doors and Ethan takes about 5 deep breaths and grabs my hand trying to keep himself from breaking down. We get through the doors and I tell Ethan to go sit down while I talk to the lady at the desk.

"How may I help you, ma'am?" She asks, looking up from her computer. 

"I got a call from here about Grayson Dolan? They said he was in a ca-" 

"He's in room 208." She says typing on her keypad.

"Thanks" I mumble, looking back at Ethan and gesturing for him to follow me. We get into an elevator and hit the 2 button. Ethan nervously runs his hands through his hair and looks at me. I step towards him and hug him until I feel him loosen up. 

"He's okay, E, if it was bad they wouldn't let us see him." I whisper, trying to convince not only Ethan, but myself too. The elevator dings and we walk out, we jog down the hall passing every room, 205, 206, 207, 208. I made sure it was his name on the door before entering. Grayson was sat up on the bed covered is bandages and gauze. He opens his eyes and looks at Ethan, he gave him a sad smile before looking at me with cold hard eyes. 

"Leave," he said, his voice cracking. I walk to the end of the bed.

"Grayson, now's not the ti-"

"Leave," he raised his voice, "leave, go, never come back" he pounded the railing on the bed. I look at him and then to Ethan who was looking at the ground. I sigh and turn back around to the door, I walk out and shut the door behind me. I lean my back against the wall outside the room and fall to the ground, I break down.

A/N: Here's an update! Enjoy! :)

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