Chapter Eleven

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*Anna's POV*

I walk up the stairs and when I reach the top, I decided to stop by my bedroom first. The minute I walk in, I get a sense of deja vu. Everything was still packed away in garbage bags and my shelves and bed were stripped clean. I couldn't help but let the tears spill from my eyes, I was so close to losing my home and my family, the thought still scares me. Voices from Ethan's room snap me back to reality. That's the reason I came up here, to check on him. I exit my room and head to Ethan's, I press my ear to the door.

"You cannot tell Anna anything. Got it?" I hear Ethan say.

"Okay" says Grayson after a few seconds. There is shuffling and I back away from the door, right before it opens revealing a concerned looking Grayson. 

"Anna?" he says, "what are you doing?"

"I think I should be the one asking you" I roll my eyes and turn around. He grabs my wrist before I can walk away, he spins me around and holds both my hands.

"What's wrong?"I feel like he's staring into my soul.

"'Don't tell Anna' 'Don't let Anna find out' 'Don't show Anna'" I mock him, "what could possibly be so bad you can't even tell me?" I raise my voice, I am so sick of everyone keeping secrets from me. 

*Grayson's POV*

I felt so bad. Anna HATES when people lie, I've been lying to her a lot recently. Anna will hate me if I keep on, but Ethan will hate me if I tell her. I try to think of something to say but I'm not good at being on the spot.

"Ever think we're just throwing you a surprise party?" I smirk at her, only for her to reply with a scowl.

"My birthday was last month, asshole" 

"I didn't say birthday party"

"Whatever. Fine don't tell me, I get it" she said stomping off.

"Glad we're on the same page, A" 

I walk to my room. Keeping secrets from Anna is gonna be harder than I thought.

A/N: I told you I'd be back!!! Watch out, Anna, you're about to get hit with the most shocking information of your life. And Ethan, don't take advantage of Grayson's relationship with Anna, you'll live to regret it..

Secrets // Dolan Twins *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now