Chapter 28

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//Hey sorry guys that I haven't posted in a while I was on vacation and I was really busy but I'm gonna be posting a lot more PROMISE!✌🏽️//

It's Saturday and Emily didn't go to school again yesterday because she almost fucking tried to kill her self because of that asshole Cameron and I will never forget what happened and why and what he did to Emily.

But it's the weekend and I have some plans for Emily today because she has been down for the past couple of weeks and I thought that I could do something very cute and romantic for her. I am going to surprise her by driving her to the fair and then we are going to go to the beach and have a picnic and then have a nice long walk and probably make out a little😏

"Hey babe wake up I have something to tell you" I said to her as I was kissing her forehead and cuddling more with her.

"Hey babe what's up?" She said looking really cute when she wakes up.

"I have a surprise for you today. Are you up for it?" I asked her and her face lit up with excitement.

"Of course babe I am. What did you have in mind?" She asked me as if I was gonna tell her😂

"Oh no. I can't tell you that. Then what's the use of a surprise?" I said kissing her forehead.

"Ugh fine. Let me get ready." She said as getting out of bed.

So I let her get ready and after she was done in the shower I got in while she was drying her hair and everything was gonna be good today I can just feel it.

30 minutes later...

So we are in the car now and she has no idea where we are going and she doesn't even know that there is a fair so she is gonna be so surprised. I let her plug in my phone and play music on it because she didn't feel like taking her phone because of Cameron so she left it at home and I told her that she could use my phone for what ever she needed. We finally got there and I had to find parking then we went to the entrance.

"Babe?!?! WHERE ARE WE?!" She said with a huge smile on her face.

"The fair was in town and I figured that I would buy us tickets to go and have fun. Is this okay?" I said hoping that it was okay.

"YES OF COURSE ITS OKAY!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH HANDSOME!" She said as she was kissing my lips.

"Your welcome babe." I said kissing her back.

3 hours later...

So we just got done with the fair and she thinks that we are going home. Uh no. I still let her be the DJ and everything while I was driving and she was so distracted by the music that she has no idea where we are going. So when we got to the beach, she just kinda got out of the car and just walked and I think that she thought that we were back home. But nope. When she got out of the car she kinda figured out where we were.

"Hey babe why are we at the beach?" She asked me as getting out of the car.

"Oh you didn't think the fair was the only thing that we were doing today did you?" I asked her while laughing.

"Oh okay. So why are we at the beach?" She asked me confusingly.

"Oh right! I thought that we would do a picnic on the beach." I said grabbing the picnic basket out of the trunk of the car that I hid earlier while she was getting ready.

"Oh babe! You didn't have to do all this." She said as we walked more toward the beach.

"Oh babe I know I didn't have too but I wanted to" I said while she came over and kissed my lips for a good 10 seconds.

We headed toward the beach and then we found a good spot to have our picnic and then I set the blanket on the sand and then we both sat on it and I grabbed everything we needed to make our sandwiches and other things. She was happy. I could see it in her eyes and especially in her face. This is something that she needed.

She was really tired after the picnic so we just skipped the walk on the beach and then we just packed everything up and then just headed home. She was so tired that we just turned in the radio on the way home. Everything went good today. She was happy. I was happy. Today was a good day and there where no problems and no worries and just worry free. We both wished that it could have lasted longer but we all know that it ends at some point. But I might make it a usual thing that every Saturday we go to the beach and have a picnic and then maybe go do something fun either before or after the picnic.

When we got home Em was really tired and we just went upstairs and just watched Toy Story and she fell right asleep in my arms she didn't last very long. Only about 20 minutes. I have never seen her this tired before. But that is a good thing because she is getting some sleep. She hasn't been able to sleep lately and if she does its only for a couple minutes and then I can't sleep because she isn't sleeping. So for the first time she is happy and I am happy. Let's hope it stays this way.


It's Sunday. Oh my gosh I hope that today will be as good as yesterday was! Hayes was the bestest boyfriend yesterday I mean he always is but yesterday he really made me feel normal. He surprised me and took me to the fair which I didn't even know that the fair was in town and then I thought we were going home but nope, he took me to the beach and then we had a picnic and it was amazing and we also got to watch the sunset and then I was really tired and then we went home and I just fell asleep.

Huh? I woke up to the sound of people yelling. Well I mean I'm used to it but I haven't heard it in a while so it kinda scared me. I looked to my right to see if Hayes is next to me and he isn't so I got really scared and when I get scared I shake and curl up into a ball and start to cry. I heard a little bit about their conversation but not all of it. Hayes' parents sounded really pissed off. All I could hear was something about how that he hasn't been to school in over a week and that the last time he went back to school someone got hurt. His parents are just wondering what is going on. I mean I get it... If I was a parent I would want to know why I got a call from the principle saying that my son hasn't been to school in over a week and the last time he went back to school someone got hurt. I mean I would be pissed. But knowing Hayes is probably explaining to them about what happened to me and what Cameron did and why we have been staying home and why someone(me) got hurt.

I heard someone coming up the stairs and I tried not to cry cause I heard doors slamming too so it scared me a lot and then Hayes walks in and shuts the door quietly cause he still thinks that I'm asleep. Then he turns around and sees me curled up in a little ball crying and then he comes to comfort me.

"Hey hey hey... Shhhh shhhh shhhh" he said as he was cuddling me and knew I was scared.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as he noticed my shaky voice.

"Um. Yea it's fine babe. Just parents are wondering why we were not in school for over a week and then why the one day we go back someone gets hurt and then I explained what happened to you. The totally understood and they are just wondering if you are okay and I told them that you are managing and that its gonna take awhile to get back to normal but we are working on it." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Okay." I said still with a shaky voice.

We just pretty much just laid in bed all day because neither of us didn't really want to do anything. We made out a little here and there but couldn't do more than that cause Hayes' parents were back so we made out quietly. It was nice. But now that his parents are back we are gonna have to go to school now. No more staying home. Maybe. I mean I will have to see what his parents say cause technically they are my guardians. So I will see how I feel in the morning and then probably have Hayes go and tell them that we aren't gonna go to school again and probably won't for a couple more days. I mean I will see. I was happy right where I was at. I still am. I just wish that it wouldn't have to end.

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