chapter 30

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•SORRY THAT I HAVENT POSTED IN A WHILE!!! I have been really busy with school and I know that every time that I say I'm gonna be updating I never do. This time I promise. I hope you like this chapter💕


I had to the bathroom and I was still in FIRST and by bathroom I mean going to look in Em's class to see if she is doing okay. I got a pass from my teacher and I started walking down the hall when I saw something I never thought that I would see. My girlfriend laying on the floor looking like she just got knocked out and weak.

"HEY GET OFF OF HER!!" I said to Cameron as he was slamming her into a locker.


"Ya know what Cameron. I don't fucking care what the fuck you do. I don't fucking care about my social life cause ya know what, I have the 2 people in my world that make it spin I don't need anyone else in the world. Do what you want to me just leave my friends a lone." I said as I shed a little tear down my face.

"You know what bitch. I'm tired of your fucking stupid games. I am done wasting my time on you. Or wait better hey why don't I make your life a living hell?" He said as he slammed me really hard against the locker.

"HEY GET OFF OF HER!!" I heard I familiar voice... I kinda just blacked out again. I had no idea who it was but all I know that it was a guy's voice.

As I go down to the floor I see Hayes coming and yelling at him to get off of me and I'm pretty sure that he punched Cameron too. I don't quite know thou because I blacked out and I had no idea what was going on.

"Babe???? BABE! Please wake up. I need you to come back. Please?" I heard Hayes say as I was opening my eyes and I could hear him crying.

"Babe I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I said as he lifted his head up and saw my eyes open and then he kissed me as tears shed down his face.

"Oh my god baby?!?! Are you okay oh my god I didn't know if you were gonna wake up or not... I was so worried don't ever do that again okay don't scare me like that!" He said to me still crying but trying to calm down.

"Babe. Where am I?" I asked him because I was in a bed and really confused.

"You are in the hospital babe." He said as another tear came down his face.

"Hey! Don't cry. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere! And what happened?" I asked Hayes while kissing his lips

"Cameron slammed you up against a locker and I was going by your class to make sure that your okay but then I saw Cameron throw you on to the floor and then he kicked you on the stomach. I ran over to you. But he wouldn't let me get to you so I had to do what any guy would do for a girl they love. I had to punch him in the face. I mean I am suspended now. But it doesn't matter because you are safe." Hayes said getting all emotional.

"Awe babe. I am so sorry that I put you through this" i said as a tear fell down my face.

"hey listen to me none of this was your fault. this was all on cameron" he said wiping the tear away from my face.

He helped me off of the floor and then he helped me out to the car knowing that i was in pain. When we got to the car i couldn't stop shaking and he knew that something was going on, but he didn't ask because he knew that i would start crying again. We left the school and i know for sure that i'm not going tomorrow. I still have to tell Hayes that i have to leave. I hate this. When we got back to the house all i wanted to do is go upstairs and lay down with Hayes and cuddle that's all that i wanted to do and that was all that mattered. We put Netflix on like usual and he picked the movie because he knew that I couldn't decide and that we would spend about 20 minutes figuring it out, so he just put on Brother Bear. He knows that it's one of my favorite movies. When we got all that set up I was already almost asleep and then Hayes came in the bed and just put his hand around my waist and his head on my head and he kissed it on the way down.

*2 hours later *


Well it's been two hours and I look over and Hayes is still asleep I didn't want to wake him so I crawled out of bed and put my jacket on and grabbed my phone and grabbed his car keys. I know that it's a bad thing to do but honestly I just wanted to get away for a little bit without a bodyguard. I needed some time to think so I walked downstairs closing his door quietly behind me. I went downstairs nobody was there so I just walked out the front door quickly and quietly because Hayes isn't really a heavy sleeper. I headed toward the car and I know that the only place that I wanted to be was the beach and that was only 5 minutes away from Hayes'. I still have my permit but Hayes is 16 and has his license he got it early.

I just started the car hoping that Hayes wouldn't hear it and thank god he didn't. I just started to drive until I got to the beach. I found a parking spot and then got out of the car and headed toward the beach. I knew that Hayes would freak out but I just needed at leave 10 minutes without a bodyguard and just time to think. I got the the middle of the beach and I go to my normal spot which is a lifeguard tall sitting post. It's where I think my best. I have to think about so many things. I have to tell the man i love that I have to move and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I have to tell my best friend that I am moving. I have to tell Hayes that I will never get to see him again. I have to tell him today. My mom told me to tell him 3 weeks ago and now that I put it off I only have 9 weeks left with Hayes. I don't know what I am going to do without him. I can't barley spend 10 minutes without him I can't imagine 6 months.

I knew that I would get a text from him and I did. Of course he was freaking out.



E- the beach.

H- okay well I'm coming. I have to walk since you took my car but I will be there I'm coming. Don't move!

All i texted him was "the beach" wow I can't believe that I said that. He knows that when I don't say more than 4 words in a text then something is going on. I have to tell him. I can't hold it back anymore. I know it's gonna hurt like hell but I have to tell him I can't hold it in anymore I just can't. I see him walking onto the beach and walking toward me. I was trying to calm down but of course that didn't work.

"Oh my god baby are you okay? You scared me. You can't just leave me." He said as walking up to me giving me a hug and wiping the tear falling down my face.

"No I'm not Hayes. We have to talk. I have been trying to come up with a way to tell you this for 3 weeks now and I should tell you--my parents are getting a divorce and I have to go live with my mom which is--" I said as being cut off by Hayes touching his lips with mine and many tears falling down his face.

"I just can't imagine being in a world where you are over 400 miles away. I can't. It's gonna be hell and I'm not going to be able to survive without you" he said as more tears fell from his face.

"I know neither can I. But I have to. I only have 9 more weeks with you and then I have to leave. My mom told me to tell you 3 weeks ago but I couldn't get the courage too because of everything that was going on and plus how we were feeling." I said as I was starting to cry harder and harder as those words came out of my mouth.

"Hey 9 weeks is better than 1 week. We will use that time wisely and act like it's a lifetime. 9 weeks gives us enough time to do the things I wanted to do with you later in the future but now they can't wait." Hayes said as he was wiping another tear from falling down my face.

"I know baby. I love you so much and yea we will show this 9 weeks how much it is to us and how we want it to be everything and do everything." I said to him kissing him and not breaking it.

Okay good thing is that I told Hayes but here is the bad thing I only have 9 weeks to do anything and everything that I can with him before that time is up.

My fantasy became reality(Hayes Grier Fan-Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin