Chapter 4~ The beggining of a new friendship

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Emily's POV
Another week later

Over the past week Hayes and I have been meeting at the bus stop everyday and sittin on the bus together and also going to each others locker everyday. Hayes and Hanna haven't talked for a week.
I was getting worried that I ruined their relationship. They are not together the way they used to be before I got here. I started to wonder more and to start acting all sad and depressed around Hayes.

    "Em?? You okay??" Hayes asked questioning worriedly.

    "Yeah I guess so..." I said trying not to act not normal.

    "You sure? I wanna know if there is something wrong you can tell me anything!" Hayes insisted.

    "Okay yeah there is something wrong... Um Hayes I don't know how to put it this way but I feel that I destroyed your relationship with Hanna." I said just getting it all out at once.

    "No!!!! Why would you say that Em!? You didn't ruin anything it's just Hanna being Hanna... Trust me I have gone through this before... She just doesn't like when I ditch her to hang out with another girl... Don't worry it's just her it's not you. Okay??" Hayes said being compleately honest.

    "Okay I was just wondering cause every since I got here she has been like all over you cause she came up and talked to me--" I said being interrupted.

    "Wait,what?! What did she say?!" Hayes said aggravatingly.

    "Okay so yeah she did come up to me and then she's all like I don't want you hanging out with Hayes anymore he is mine and you can't have him and I don't want you to even be near him just stay away he belongs to me..." I said trying not to cry.

    "What!!!! She said that to you!!!? Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I will be right back... Okay?" Hayes said angrily.

    "Okay... Just Hayes please don't tell her that I told you cause she would kill me if you knew about this..." I said shooting up.

    "Em! I have too... I won't let her hurt you ever! I can't let her do this I will be right back trust me." Hayes said trying not to cry.

    "Okay" I said trying not to clutch onto what he said.

Hayes POV
Walking up to Hanna

    "Hanna! We need to!" I said angrily.

    "What's wrong babe?" Hanna was acting like nothing had happened.

    "You know what's wrong... Why in the hell would you say that to Emily!? She was trying to fit in and you ruined that for her! She didn't take me away from you, I wanted to get away from you... You were being rude and disrespectful to Emily and you decided to go with your friends so I did the same thing." I said really angrily.

    "Wait what?! Did Emily tell you that I did that?!" Hanna said all mad.

    "Yeah she did and I'm talking to you now, so back off she is the only friend that I have that doesn't lie and be rude to me!" I all pissy said to Hanna.

    "Okay sorry babe I just don't trust her and why would you say that she's the only one that doesn't lie and be rude to you? Everyone is the nicest person to you..." Hanna said not even looking at me.

    " I'm not talking about all of your friends I'm talking about you! Every time that I try to make a new friend or welcome a new person to the school all you do is say mean things to them and then they don't even look at me anymore! You keep doing this and I can't take it anymore!!" I said trying not to cry.

    "Wha-what are you saying?" Hanna was starting to cry.

    "I'm saying that we should take a break for a while until you can find out why you are being like this and maybe if you change we can get off that break but until now don't bother meeting me after school..." I said not even shedding a tear.

    "But-but wait! HAYES!!!!! Can we please talk about this please!?!?" Hanna was trying to louer me back in.

    "No we can't Hanna there is nothing left to talk about! Goodbye Hanna!" I said having a big smile on my face.

So when I let the parking lot I went back to Emily to tell her what happened. There she was sitting on the side of the curb righ where I left her... I couldn't stop starring at her, she was amazing!

    "Oh my gosh! Hayes! What happened?! I kept hearing yelling and seeing Hanna crying..." Em said trying to get the answers out of me.

    "Well let's just say this that you don't have to worry about her bothering you anymore I took care of it... And can we go and grab that coffee now?" I said saying happily.

    "Okay? And yes I would love too!" She said all excited and happy to be with me.

When we got to Starbucks we ordered and then she started to take out her wallet.

    "Ah ah! No you don't missy I got this one..." I said taking her wallet.

    "Okay I owe you though..." She said letting go of her wallet and ordered.

    "You promise??" I said holding out my pinky.

    "Yes I promise!" she said locking her pinky to mine.

Her hand was so warm!!i can't believer that I was being so obvious on what my feeling for her were. So when I payed for the drinks, we heard our name and Emily went up and got them and then smiled at me as she got up. When she came back she started taking about football and hockey and other things and then that's when I knew that I had fallen for her.

My fantasy became reality(Hayes Grier Fan-Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang