Chapter 1

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Six months later.

Zheth jolted slightly as the haze around her head cleared. This had happened a few times but never this much, this time she could feel the world around her... the cold world around her. She opened her eyes. The room she was in was dark; she could think clearly enough to know it was some type of medical bay but... where was she? Sitting up caused pain to shoot through her body but she pushed that aside, she had to know where she was. Zheth pulled out some wires connecting to her wrists, which had probably been keeping her alive while she was unconscious, before getting out of the medical bed and moving to the darkest shadows. She watched the droids as they moved until there was a clear shot to the exit, she darted for it, moving a bit slower than she remembered moving.

Luckily no one noticed and she quickly hid in a new shadowy location as she looked at her bloodied clothes... Hmm, she needed to get some new ones, but at least her weapons were still on her if she needed to fight. The halls were mostly empty though, which probably meant it was either late or early, and she started walking around. There was a sense of familiarity with this ship, like she'd been on it before, and it came to her attention that this wasn't a hospital ship but a Star Destroyer... was she part of a war or something? Zheth scoffed, she wouldn't enter a war. She was a bounty hunter. These people probably hired her to kill someone and she got a few scratches on the job.

"You're awake." Zheth jumped slightly, nearly falling as vertigo washed through her, and whipped her head around to see a chrome-armored Storm Trooper.

It took her a moment to process through faces she knew before coming to the identity of the female Storm Trooper. "Captain Phasma... I, um, yeah, I'm awake."

"Follow me, I'll take you to get changed." She motioned tiredly. "Lord Ren has been wishing to speak with you for some time now. Once you're ready I'll take you straight to him."

Zheth stayed silent the entire way to the room that was supposedly hers and tried her best not to show how disoriented she was as she stumbled every few steps. Phasma waited outside as she went in and looked around, it certainly wasn't overly personalized but she did find some spare clothes and armor that belonged to her. She changed quickly, not failing to notice the faded bruises and new scars on her body, before putting her helmet on and walking out to once again meet Phasma. The Storm Trooper seemed to pause for a moment, as though expecting her to speak, before walking down the hallway. It was as though the entire ship was asleep as they walked, only one or two normal Storm Troopers in their white armor could be seen switching shifts. Finally, she came to a stop once more outside a door identical to every single other door on the ship. Phasma knocked sharply before taking a step back.

The door opened a minute later to reveal a half asleep dark haired man with a scar across his face. He glared at Phasma for a moment. "What is it Captain Phasma?"

Zheth felt Phasma pull her into view. "She's awake."

His face brightened a bit and she felt herself being dragged into the room. "Good, you are dismissed Phasma. I know Hux will want you ready for those training sessions in the morning."

Zheth watched Phasma until she disappeared before slowly turning her head to stare at the tall man before her, taking in his black robes. "Um, so you are, who? Vader Jr.?"

He smirked a bit at that as he let her farther into his room and closed the door. "Something like that, yes. I'm surprised you didn't make that remark before now."

"Why did you want to speak with me? Is it about my mission?" She questioned, watching him carefully, well as carefully as the slightly spinning room allowed.

His gaze flickered to her in slight surprise. "Say my name."


"Do you know who I am?" He growled it slightly.

"...No." Zheth sighed, looking at the ground. "You seem familiar, I remember seeing you before but... I can't remember you name."

"Kylo Ren." He sat on the edge of his bed, clearly still tired. "Do you remember the last time we spoke? At Starkiller base, you said Han Solo was your father."

Images flashed through her head, causing pain to flash through it, and she nodded with a grimace. "Yes, what about it?"

"What the Resistance told you was a lie. We aren't related, they were only trying to manipulate you against us." Kylo informed her.

Zheth shrugged. "Well, I'm still on your side so it doesn't matter now does it? Now who is it I need to kill or spy on, considering I decided to work for you and I owe a life debt now I doubt we need to discuss the payment."

She saw his eyes flicker around her for a moment before he spoke again. "I need you to spy on the Resistance and kill a traitor for me... After that, bring me Han Solo and a scavenger girl named Rey. I have some unfinished business with them."

"Of course." She nodded.

Kylo stood once more and grabbed a helmet before walking to the door behind her, stopped at her side. "I should get to training but, I'll speak more about the mission with you later. Can you find your way back to your quarters?"

"I can probably find the room." She shrugged, not caring. It wasn't like anyone was awake to watch her walking around searching for it like a fool.

He seemed to read her mind and casually flicked his wrist to point at the bed. "You can stay here until someone can show you around the ship... Don't look through my things though, and be assured, I will know if you do."

"Alright..." She shifted, slightly uncomfortable with the offer, though honestly she would feel uncomfortable anywhere here at the moment considering she should know this place but couldn't.

A moment later she was alone in the room. Zheth took in her surroundings but didn't mess with anything before going over to the bed and lying on the black blanket on the bed. Despite the fact she'd been in a coma for who knew how long, though it seemed it had been a while, she was already exhausted from everything that had happened in the past few minutes. It didn't help that it was an extremely comfortable bed, the blanket didn't make it too hot either with the colder room temperature... it felt perfect actually. Zheth started dozing off, half fearful of going back into the coma, but eventually giving into the darkness of sleep as the silence droned on and sleep continued to beckon her. 

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