Chapter 4

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Coruscant was dark other than the lights from buildings and ships. With a city covering the entire planet and smog screening the sky from sight in some places it was hard to tell if it was day or night at times. Predator smirked under her helmet as she stepped out onto the landing pad and looked around her, this place would allow her to blend in perfectly. All the crime and other bounty hunters around would keep the Resistance on their guard of course but at least her ship Savage II would be hidden from sight by being in plain sight.

She walked into the hotel and up to a droid running the main desk. "I need a room for a few nights."

"Verification." The droid demanded.

She hit a few buttons on a small circle device and her ID appeared along with the Mandalorian Symbol.

Satisfied the droid gave her a swipe card. "Enjoy your stay Predator, good luck in your hunt."

She put the disk away and kept walking, earning a few quick glances from other bounty hunters as they caught what the droid had said. The smirk grew slightly under her helmet as a few moved out of the way, it wasn't exactly fear she instilled in her rivals, but they did respect her for her mentor and skills. No one here would dare cross her unless they were a fool. Well no one except her mentor Boba Fett... but the chances of him being around were next to nothing considering how large the galaxy was, in fact he probably wasn't even in this system.

After settling into the room Predator rechecked her weapons before heading outside once again and taking a taxi ship over to the old Senate Building, it wasn't an official senate anymore of course but it was still the building where important decisions were held. It would be the location of the Resistance's arrival to make a deal for supplies, and she would be here waiting. It was almost too easy to get inside and find all the current counsel members standing around discussing what they would do upon the arrival of the General. Surprisingly there weren't any guards present anywhere in the building, Predator wasn't sure if this was a good sign or a bad one though she knew tomorrow there would be some form of security when the actual meeting took place.

She continued exploring, making sure to keep in hearing distance of the members. From what she was hearing there were only two she'd have to kill before tomorrow, or that's the time limit she'd expected before a droid arrived with a message that made her pause her scouting. The Resistance was here now? General Hux had made it sound like a few days. Predator retreated back outside and turned on her communicator, she needed some answers and fast, or at the very least to inform Hux about what was happening.

"Predator, I didn't expect you to call so soon. Have you killed them?" General Hux questioned.

"Not exactly." She glanced at the ships around her, backing into the shadows as she spotted the Millennium Falcon among them. "The Resistance is here now."

"Impossible. Our informant said a few days."

"Then why can I see their ships landing?" She questioned, knowing he wouldn't have an answer. "There are only two counsel members who would help them out of the five. I shouldn't have too much trouble with killing them before the Resistance gets inside... There are plenty of places to hide for an ambush as well so as soon as they come in I can start killing off the guards and extra members."

"Good. Contact me again when you have General Organa prisoner." Hux ended the communication.

Predator grinned and ran back inside with a blaster in hand. As much as she enjoyed close combat that would have to wait until the ambush. The members had moved since she'd been gone but she followed their voices, falling into a silent walk as she honed in on the two targets. Taking the chance to duck and hide behind a corner, Predator raised her blaster and shot two quick blasts, each hitting their target in a fatal area. The two dropped like stones while the remaining three turned around in search of their attacker, she took the risk of stepping out and walking up to them, never putting away her weapon.

"What do you want?" One asked, seemingly the leader as the other two were cowering behind him.

"You are allied with the First Order, they were not." Predator motioned to the dead members. "I work with them and am here on orders to make sure this deal with the Resistance isn't made."

"You'll make General Organa a martyr."

"No, I will take her to be used as a bartering tool. Unless you wish to get in my way none of you will be harmed, is that understood?"

They were silent before nodding and speaking in unison. "Yes."

"Good. Get rid of their bodies, I will take care of the Resistance." She ran in the direction they had been going in and took out a knife as the entrance came into sight.

Footsteps could be heard lightly on the hard floor but Predator didn't make her move until the entire party of Resistance members was in sight. A quick scan of the group told her there were six guards, two in front and two in back while the remaining two took one side each, there were two droids that didn't pose a threat, a few pilots, and General Organa walking between an elderly man and another man with a cloak covering his face. She was sure she could take them down easily. After all, blasters weren't going to be much use in a close range attack, not to mention the pilots probably weren't used to fighting outside their ship so their aim couldn't be that great. Predator made her move.

Three guards went down as knives went into their backs before anyone noticed her attack. Predator pulled out several more knives before throwing them as well, using the magnificent marble pillars to hide as blaster fire was shot at her... she was still too far away to avoid it completely... Oh well. She tucked and rolled across the cold floor before jumping to her feet again and running, throwing the knives as she went. The sounds of blasters faded slightly as two more guards were taken out, one left and then the pilots who were starting to shoot as well.

"Get the General to safe-" The guard's command ended in a gargled choke as a knife went into his throat.

Predator peeked out from behind her pillar to watch as the main group made their way towards the meeting chamber... perfect. Hopefully those counsel members would hold them there. Meanwhile, she could finish off these losers with her blaster and trap the rest of her prey in a few seconds. She took aim and shot at the pilots, clenching her teeth as one managed to escape back outside before she could shoot him, not that he would find any backup in time. Once they were all dead she came out of hiding, cautiously walking over in case any were faking,though it was unlikely considering where she'd shot them. Predator retrieved her knives and wiped off the blood with the dead guards' clothing before walking in the direction Organa had gone. 

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