Chapter 5

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Her footsteps were nearly silent as she darted through the upper floors as she narrowed in on the remaining people in the ground. However, faint echoes behind her warned Predator that there was someone tailing her as well, not that she would glance behind her and alert them to that knowledge. The sound of blasters being drawn slowed her steps and she readied her throwing knife as she watched a remaining pilot step out from behind a corner and raise his blaster to shoot her... and then he hesitated.

"Zheth?" She paused half way through her throw, how did he know her name?

Then his face clicked a bit painfully in her mind along with several memories. "H-Hot Shot...?"

Predator shook the memories aside and threw the knife, only managing to sink it into his shoulder considering her hesitation. He of course fired at her in return, the blasts causing her to stagger back until a kick in the back sent her to the ground... looks like her follower had caught up. The old man stepped out to join Poe alongside the hooded figure; General Organa was still in the other room.

"Get up." That voice. Predator turned to look up at her old mentor; these people hired him to protect their leader?

"Working with the enemy now are we?" She sneered at him. "I'm shocked."

Boba Fett was probably glaring at her under his helmet but she didn't give him a chance to respond before kicking his knee, which gave a pop that made him scream, as she got to her feet. Assuming her mentor had been in any other place in the galaxy earlier seemed to have jinxed her... oh well. She could beat him. He might have experience but she had youth on her side, not to mention she was still holding a grudge against him for attacking her. She twirled a dagger in her hand before lunging at him knowing he'd grab that wrist, and when he did she used that to help her jump up higher and slide a small knife in his collar bone.

Predator winced as he twisted her wrist and slammed her back on the ground, his blaster out and ready to shoot her. Was he toying with her? Oh, that was grating on her nerves. "Is that the best you've got Old Man? You're weaker than I thought."

"And you are over confident." She smirked at his answer and rolled to the side as he fired the blaster, giving a hiss of pain as the blast grazed her.

Predator ignored her bleeding arm and backed away, feigning a retreat as she observed the others who were making their way back to the ship. How funny, they thought they could just get away unnoticed. She took out a small round object before throwing it ahead of them; a bright flash followed the movement along with falling rubble as the bomb went off. Weight dragged her to the ground and she gave a sharp scream that was cut off as the knife was pulled out and hands went around her throat. She couldn't panic now, that would make her loose oxygen faster, but she had to find some way to break free. The weight on her throat increased as Boba Fett leaned down on it and Predator saw darkness edging her vision as she went limp, her head lolling to the side.

The weight stayed for a few more seconds before lifting. She still didn't move until she heard him walk away, once he had she pulled out her blaster and jumped back up, staggering slightly. Predator didn't hesitate to shoot and her old mentor froze a moment before collapsing to the ground. Coughing shook her body as she tried to catch her breath but she didn't get too for long as she saw Poe and the others coming for her after recovering from the blast. She aimed her blaster at them as well before stumbling again and falling to the ground, the coughs turning into wheezes. She knew they were getting closer by the sound of their footsteps and fumbled for the button that Hux had shown her, her breathing eased within moments once she pressed it and Predator gave a sigh of relief before getting back up and glaring at them.

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