Chapter 7

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With her mission so close Zheth had shoved aside her pride and allowed the medical droids to fix her more critical wounds, though they couldn't do much without the Bacta Tank out of order... Wonder why that would be, probably something to do with Kylo Ren. After that and a short rest she felt much better, though her limp was still noticeably there as she walked. Not knowing what else to do, well she could find Kylo to get his meditation help if he wasn't in one of his moods, Zheth walked down to the training session Phasma was giving to the Storm Troopers. They looked better than last time she'd sparred with one.

"Would you care to join us or are you just going to stand around, Crogh?" Phasma turned her head to face her.

Zheth shrugged and walked out of the doorway's shadow. "Well if you insist, I guess I could show them how a real warrior fights considering you can't do it."

If Phasma was fazed by the insult she didn't show it. "It's hand to hand combat, three to one."

Wait it was what? With her leg and rib... Zheth shook the thought aside; this wasn't any different than if she had to face enemies on a mission while in this state. Three Storm Troopers entered the ring with her, their white armor slowing them down and giving her an advantage.

"Piece of cake." She flashed a challenging expression at them. "So, who wants to lose first?"

The first one came straight at her while the other two went for her sides, so they did know teamwork... Zheth ducked under the first one and slammed her body into the second one on her right. Her unsuspecting attack caused the poor trooper to fall flat on his back and she could've finished him off if the third hadn't changed his attack so quickly and dragged her away. The two still standing kept her distracted with their attacks, which she dodged to the best of her abilities once she managed to break free of the third's grip.

"Stop playing around you four!" Phasma paced around the circles, watching them and several other rings with Storm Troopers training rigorously.

The second one had gotten back up while her back was turned and Zheth winced as they kicked her injured side. She scooted back along the floor, observing how the trio was regrouping for an attack... like a pack. But every pack had its weaknesses and this particular one couldn't attack together after the main strike despite backing each other up, if she could use that to her advantage...

"Predator!" All fighting froze in place as the dark cloaked figure stepped into the room.

"Lord Ren what is the meaning of this? We are in the middle of training." Phasma was probably glaring at Kylo from under that chrome helmet.

The Knight of Ren ignored her and instead walked closer to Zheth. "I've been sent to fetch you, get up and follow me."

"By who?" She asked as she obeyed, a bit irritated she couldn't try out her battle plan.

"Don't ask questions." He growled.

After that they both went silent as they walked down the halls, earning nervous looks from at least half the people they went by, though it was more of annoyance and dread from the maintenance crew. It didn't take long to figure out where they were going, the prison cells were away from most of the important places on the ship and considering he wouldn't tell her who wanted to see her... it was probably their secret prisoner. A couple minutes later she was proven correct as Kylo opened the cell door.

"Why do you want to see me?" Zheth asked coldly, disguising the pity she felt seeing the old smuggler trapped.

Han stared at her, his spirit obviously not hurt too badly by his situation. "Can't a father ask to see his son and daughter together?"

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