Chapter 12

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Back on the ship Zheth was treated for her fever and the worst of her wounds but no matter what the medical staff did there was nothing to erase the pain. Currently she was curled up in a tight ball shivering from bother her illness and the agony, they should've just let her die!

"Perhaps I should have." Kylo's mechanized voice growled, causing her to flinch and glare at him, he should stay out of her head. "But I won't yet. After all if you're keeping track of life debts, you owe me two now."

Yes, she did, and she always paid her debts. Zheth closed her eyes again, unable to keep up her threatening glare. Pure torture sliced its way into her skull as Kylo raised his hand and she thrashed against her bed as he continued making his way through her skull, she wanted to scream but found she was unable to. By the time he was out of her mind she was barely aware of the fact that the pain was gone, though she was a bit confused as to why she was in the medical bay instead of in a cell on the Resistance base, shouldn't she be getting interrogated for information?

"Zheth, can you hear me?" Kylo's voice came from her right and she turned to look at him. "Is there any pain?"

She shook her head after a moment to think over the question. "N-no."

"Good." He started to leave before turning back to face her. "You are free to do as you wish until General Hux sends further orders."

Zheth didn't know what to do and it wasn't just because of her extra free time. Should she really stay here with the First Order until they lost use of her? Her friends were in the Resistance, not that they would consider her a friend anymore probably, but she had been loyal to her strange messed up family. That was what a bounty hunter avoided though, the more connections you had with people the more ways you could be hurt. Staying here was better; besides, they did pay more for her services... not to mention she now owed them for saving her. She turned in the direction of the cellblock; perhaps she could find General Organa there along with confirmation of where she belonged. Zheth supposed she could also inform the aging woman about Han's death while she was at it.

"General?" Her voice was quiet and unanswered as she called down the empty hall, shouldn't there be Storm Troopers guarding the cells? "General Organa are you here?"

"Zheth." The woman's voice spoke up and she hurried over in the direction of the cell to see Leia sitting in the back of the cell, her hands bound. "I thought you had been captured."

"I was... and then I was rescued." She heard the door shut and lock behind her as she leaned back on the cold wall and slid to the floor directly across from Organa. "But you haven't been."

The woman didn't seem fazed by her words; in fact she seemed to see right through Zheth's uncaring façade. "Something is on your mind, something you can't let the First Order hear."

"That isn't why I'm here." She gave a harsh growl; she didn't feel like having her loyalty tested again, she was only here to inform General Organa of Han's death... that was all. "I'm here to inform you that your husband, Han Solo, was killed in my rescue. He's truly gone this time and nothing you do will ever bring him back."

At first Zheth didn't think the news affected Leia... and then she heard a muffled sob as Organa lowered her head into her hands. She looked so different than the general Zheth had met in Maz's Cantina... like she was finally giving into all the stress and lose and pain she'd experienced throughout her life. It was a bit painful to watch, so she didn't. She stared down at the floor, how could she break the last person who had a prayer of bringing her back home? Zheth turned around and slammed her fist into the wall before curling into a ball; she was a terrible excuse for a human being! Not to mention she'd destroyed the mandalorian code... so much for honor and loyalty... even her strength was turning feeble.

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