Chapter 11

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Zheth faintly heard blaster fire through the fog clouding her mind, or maybe it was just in her mind... it was hard to tell what was real or not anymore. She blinked her eyes to focus on the small object in front of her, with her weakened state it would probably only take one instead of the usual two but... should she do it? It would be painless, just like falling asleep, but what if Han was right and she was released soon? No, Skywalker would make sure she was here for the rest of her life, treated better perhaps but never leaving this cell. She could even see a tragic 'accident' taking her life in a way that would actually be convincing. A hint of defiance managed to appear on her features, she would not give that Jedi the satisfaction of killing her. She shakily put the small capsule in her mouth, not hesitating to bite down and break it open, now she just had to wait a few more minutes for it to take hold.

Sharp pain went through her skull and Zheth tensed as a familiar voice spoke mentally to her. "I'm almost there, just- Wait, what have you done?"

She heard shouting nearby, a scream of rage perhaps, but couldn't see the person who had made the sound. Her eyes glazed and closed, as her already shallow breathing grew fainter, everything was fading away as she slipped from reality. Even the sound of something cutting through metal followed by leather gloved hands... Wait, was that real? She hadn't imagined the blaster fire; the Resistance was actually being attacked! Zheth fought back against the darkness, forcing air into her lungs and squinting to see a black blur staring down at her. The new strength didn't last long however and she went limp once again, hearing voices murmuring before silence took over and there was nothing. Nothing but darkness, a void... Death had finally closed in on her.

Pain ripped through Zheth, she couldn't even tell if it was mental or physical, hell it could've been both! She jolted, everything coming back to her as she coughed foam onto the hard ground, someone holding her upright. Her body was shaking again from the strain of coughing, not to mention everything ached from being moved after staying still for so long. She panted and let the person holding onto her take her weight as she tried not to sink back to the floor, wasn't she supposed to be dead?

"Don't ever do that again." It took her brain a moment to process both the order and the owner of the voice, Kylo. "You're lucky I got here before it spread too far."

Did he ever think she didn't want saved at this point? Zheth stayed limp in his arms, which had tensed meaning he'd probably read her thoughts.

Hux's form came into view and he paled slightly. "Predator... Ren, what's her condition?"


Kylo rose to his feet, making her stand though he took all her weight as she shook beside him. "Nothing permanent, the wounds from the Finalizer seem to be healing but she has a fever."

Nothing permanent? Zheth was pretty sure she was at the minimum blood level for a human body to contain and she couldn't even stand without help. She sighed mentally; Kylo wasn't exactly a doctor though so it wasn't like he would really know anything. The leather gloves made a slight sound as his grip tightened on her side; obviously he was still in her mind... great.

"I know every pain you feel." He growled through his voice-altering mask. "It is not real."

Not real, what was he getting at? This was all in her mind? But it all felt so real... and it hurt so much. Shouts came closer and Zheth saw a blue glow appear as Rey charged them.

"Give her to me!" Hux barked the order as he retreated. "Hold her off but do not do anything foolish Ren! Understand me?"

"Nothing I do is foolish General." Kylo sneered.

Zheth tried to stumble with Hux to make it easier on him but nearly went back to her knees. Force she was pathetic. She gave a hiss of agony as her body was lifted up in Hux's surprisingly strong arms considering how thin he looked; she was actually surprised he had even come on this mission instead of staying behind. Her head was comfortably tucked into his neck as he tried not to bounce too much as he jogged.

"Stop right there!" Han's voice shouted while Chewie backed it up with a growl.

Hux let out a curse and Zheth clenched her teeth as she was put back on her feet so he could pull out his blaster. "I could give the order to kill General Leia Organa right now so I suggest you let us pass."

"Some negotiations." Han smirked at Chewie but never took his eyes off the danger. "Looks like we're still cleaning up Luke's messes, huh Chewie?"

The Wookie gave a grumbling sound of agreement and raised his weapon.

Zheth could hear more footsteps and fighting closing in behind them as Hux and her father tried to intimidate each other into lowering their weapons, which wasn't going to work. She thought back to what Kylo had recently said about her not really being hurt, if that was true then she needed to try helping Hux get out of this situation. In response to her taking on more of her own weight, pain resonated through her body, making her head spin but Zheth threw that aside as she tried pushing past the signals of agony being sent into her brain. Chewie ended their stand still and fired his powerful blaster, missing only because she kneed Hux and sent both of them to the ground.

She coughed as dust got in her lungs, the breakthrough with regaining some strength disappearing as the pain, real or not, worsened. Beside her Hux started firing back as he jumped back up, standing over her as he shot. Each blast missed the target and Zheth could see his confusion and frustration starting to appear on his face until another shadow passed over them and Kylo entered, his lightsaber still in hand and a few burns in his robes.

"I'll deal with him" His menacing helmeted gaze turned to look down on her. "Unless you care to stop me again."

Zheth's gaze flickered between her brother and her father, Han meant nothing to her, he had never been in her life and the fact they were related no longer meant anything. She had saved his life once in hopes of getting information and he had helped keep her alive here, which meant they were even... Kylo could kill him if he wished. Watching Han's eyes revealed the man already knew his fate, though to his credit he didn't try to prevent it.

"Chewie... you know what to do." Han motioned for his co-pilot to leave. "Go!"

Chewbacca gave a growl of refusal but a deflected shot from his weapon by Kylo's lightsaber and the expression on Han's face defeated the Wookie, proven by the mournful howl emanating from Chewie's throat as he ran off to help the others or to do whatever he 'knew what to do'.

"Ben... I'll never give up on you. You're still in there I know you are." Zheth observed the situation, trying to focus on that as Hux picked her back up. "I know I wasn't the best father, I wish I could change that... Don't let Snoke control you!"

Kylo was silent until Han finished, his lightsaber eerily still at his side, and when he did speak his distorted voice sounded... off. Broken. "I won't be controlled."

"Come home then, Ben. End this now!"

"I am." He lunged, a crackling red streak slicing through Han's chest with ease. "Goodbye Han Solo."

There was a dull thud as Han's body hit the floor. Hux quickly took over the situation again. "Get moving Ren, we don't have all day!"

Zheth tightened her grip on him as Hux started moving again and could've sworn her brother whispered 'I'm sorry' to Han's body before rushing after them. Then again, if something was messing with her head it could've been nothing... she closed her eyes, letting the sounds of battle swirl around her and fade as they made their escape. She was safer now, perhaps never perfectly safe, but with General Hux and Kylo she felt just a hint safer than before. 

Sorry, I know I've missed a few updates but real life has been calling me!

Also, I just wanted to announce that book 1 in this series just won a Star Wars fanfic competition, which honestly made my day I was so surprised! 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the update and hopefully I'll be getting the rest of the chapters out on the regular schedule so be looking out for those as well!

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