Chapter 16

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Several years later

"Predator, the time has come to finally crush the Resistance." General Hux spoke up as the battle ready woman walked into the room.

She nodded. "I know. I was at the meeting when you went over the plan... Shall I go find Lord Ren and prepare to go?"

"No, just a moment." Hux walked over and stood in front of her, his cold eyes flickering over her shiny black armor that had long replaced her old blue and purple armor. "Predator, once this attack is over the First Order will rule the galaxy and hunt down any Resistance pockets that may still remain."

"Obviously. I know that, Foxy."

"I will become the emperor of the galaxy if you can pull this attack off, which of course means you will soon be at my side to continue serving the First Order with me."

Predator smirked under her helmet. "You mean when I pull this attack off. The members in the Resistance mean nothing to me anymore. You saw that when I killed their leader... It is amusing to know you still think you'll be in charge instead of Supreme Leader Snoke. He already has the claim to the throne when this war is over considering he already calls himself the Supreme Leader, although I'm sure he'll let you rule as the 'emperor' beneath him so you can keep carrying out all the dirty work."

"Go get Lord Ren. With his training now complete and the jedi in hiding once more, other than that scavenger girl of course, there will be no trouble in ending this." He turned away in dismissal.

"Of course, General Hux, I'll get him and leave with Phasma and the Storm Troopers right away." She pulled up the hood on the cloak and turned to exit the room. "We will end this war today."

"I'm putting my faith in those words, Predator."

She walked through the orderly halls and found Kylo waiting at his ship while Phasma was getting the last of her troops prepped for their own shuttle transports. Today was the day the First Order would take control of the galaxy; she could feel it. Predator could also still feel the hatred rolling off Ren the instant she stepped into the hanger to board her own ship... he had never gotten over the fact she killed his mother Leia Organa. Whether that was due to wanting to kill his mother or the fact he lost his mother was still a mystery. Supreme Leader Snoke was pleased with the results either way considering it had 'ended his pull to the light' and lead to Lord Ren's success in training, which in turn was what granted Predator her promotions to the high rank she held now.

"We are ready when you are Phasma." Predator reported, trying to ignore Kylo's burning glare on her back.

The chrome armored Captain nodded. "We will be ready in less than five minutes."

"Good. We wouldn't want Hux to get his boxers twisting up his butt due to complications just yet... heh, maybe later on of course. We do need to give him some torment." She joked lightly before walking off and boarding her own ship.

"I heard that you know." General Hux's voice spoke up over the communicator inside her helmet.

"Then you know it was just a joke, Foxy." She responded back. "Don't worry, I've always made sure we were on track in the field. Phasma and I have always brought Ren back, haven't we?"

"Of course, and I know you will do it again but I would you prefer not to joke about it right before you fly out."

"Sorry General." Predator laughed before starting the ship and waiting for a few TIE Fighters to fly out before following them. "Won't do it again."

The line was still open but both sides where silent as attacks started firing down on the ship from Resistance pilots who had avoided some of the TIE Fighters leading the attack. Predator shot down those in her way before landing on the ground outside the Resistance based, which had been moved since the last time she had been there as a prisoner. Kylo's shuttle landed yards away and Storm Troopers already on the battlefield mowed down any enemies for a safe exit as the ramp opened, revealing Lord Ren and his escort of four more Storm Troopers. Was she slightly jealous he got those and she still didn't have any? Of course! But they weren't important. She didn't need any Storm Troopers to protect her in battle... only weak or incapable people needed guards to escort them.

Kylo turned his head to face her and Predator started rushing into the fray as if she hadn't realized he read her mind. Let him pout over it and take out the emotions on Rey, after all, those two always managed to find each other to duke it out every single battle. She took out several more soldiers with her blaster before ducking behind the corner of the building to avoid return fire as more rebels came to the aid of their fallen brethren. Already she could tell the Resistance was out numbered, though it was the quality of the fighters and the plans both sides had that would really count. The First Order's pilots were clearly out matched considering Poe's training with the Resistance pilots and the traitor Finn had clearly trained the ground troops how Storm Troopers fought by this point.

"Status, Predator." General Hux ordered just as he always did with her and Phasma in battle.

She motioned for several Storm Troopers to cover her while she responded. "We can get inside to finish the plan easily. Just as you predicted from the previous battles, the traitor told them how to take out our ground troops but we do out number them. The distraction should at least get us time to finish what we came here to do."

"Good. I have sent more TIEs on Phasma's request." Hux responded. "Just keep an eye on Ren and get inside."

"I know General. You can count on me to finish this, you'll get your promotion, don't worry that OCD neat freak head of yours." She ended the conversation and started moving once more, leaving the Storm Troopers to cover her or die as she made her way through the battlefield towards the entrance to the base.     

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