
52 2 1

Hux stared out at the night sky from the large window where he now lived. It was the anniversary of when Zheth had died two years ago. And just like the day and first anniversary of her death he looked out at the stars to remember the times when she was alive. How, at one point in time, the two of them were out there in the galaxy at war with the Resistance among the stars. After her formal allegiance with the First Order and going through recovery and training she had taken up the habit of staring out into space with him... Just as he had done after she died taking out the Resistance's information on the First Order.

The other members were celebrating the victory around him as they were announced the winners of the war. The Resistance would never be allowed to recover and nothing would ever threaten the empire again. Supreme Leader Snoke would most likely already know of the success in that strange way of his, though he would expect a report.

"General Hux." Phasma walked into the room with her helmet off, a startling sight that he wasn't sure he'd ever seen before. "The First Order is victorious. I'm sure you're pleased that you'll be promoted now."

"Yes, y-yes of course I am." Hux responded; he just wanted to slip off unnoticed not talk about this.

"You need to relax more." She responded as he walked past her before lowering her voice. "You know, she wouldn't want you to stay stuck on her death."

"Of course."

Hux left the room and made his way to report to Supreme Leader Snoke... he might as well get it over will before being summoned by Ren or something. The dark cloaked Knight of Ren was making his own way to the room and the two stopped outside the door to glower at each other before Hux shoved his way into the room first; he wasn't in the mood to be pushed around by Kylo at the moment.

"Supreme Leader." Ren's voice rang out before Hux could give his quick report, irking the red head. "That scavenger escaped with the help of her friends! We need to find them!"

The giant holographic figure looked down at them. "Patience, Master of Ren. They have nowhere to go. They and your old master will be found... I am placing you in charge of that, my apprentice."

Kylo gave a huff and jerked away to turn his back to them and stalk out of the room. "I will make sure they're taken care of this time."

Hux saw Snoke's gaze fall to him and stepped forward, forcing himself to keep it together. "We lost some numbers as we expected... but the First Order is victorious. I am ready to take the position as emperor and restore the empire to its former glory."

There was almost the sound of laughter. "Do you really believe one such as you could accomplish that? Even with your riches and power it would be difficult. Don't think you can fool me that you are distracted. You couldn't help the galaxy... but you will do as I say to fix it until I deem you ready... Emperor Hux."

He kept a straight face though he was disappointed to still be taking orders and still lost Predator... She was the one who warned him this could happen too... "Of course."

Hux left and went to his quarters where he wouldn't be disturbed by anyone. Being left to his thoughts wasn't the best thing but soon he would be distracted enough with the galaxy he would be running. Predator wouldn't get a proper funeral, which meant this was the only chance he would most likely have in a long while to come to mourn. With that in mind he grabbed an old cloak, the first one he had given to her when she had officially chosen to join them and accept her promotion, and walked over to uncover part of the wall with a push of a button. The stars around the ship were still the same but as he stood there alone to stare at them it looked so foreign.

Hux finally looked away from the starry sky as the dawn light made the specks disappear one by one. It was another day of work. Ren still had to finish tracking the Jedi but at least he never had to worry about helping the Master of Ren. Running an empire was stressful enough even if Snoke was still running some decisions behind the scenes through him. Emperor Hux cast one last look behind him before slipping the cloak he had wrapped around his shoulders off and putting it neatly on his bed before straightening his uniform and stepping out of his bedroom. 

He let the door shut behind him and walked back into the present... back into the collected man the galaxy saw him as day after day... Just another normal day in the life of being the emperor- as Zheth would have wanted him to do.

This is the end of the series BUT if you'd like an alternate ending or any one-shots with this series just let me know and I'll find some time to write them up!

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