Chapter 2

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"Ren, you've been sleeping all day. The Supreme Leader wouldn't like it if you missed out on your training!" A man's voice woke up Zheth and she tensed under the blanket as they pulled it off. "Predator!"

She glared at the surprised man; he looked familiar... "Foxy? Is that you?"

"How long have you been-" He seemed to rethink his question. "Why are you in this room?"

"Kylo told me to wait here... I just dozed off... Why did you have to come and rudely wake me up?" She snapped back, still piecing together her memories with him in them.

Hux gave an irritated sigh. "Great, now I'll have to go send someone to keep an eye out for him before something else breaks... You however, need to follow me. Let's see how recovered you are."

Zheth expected him to lead her to the infirmary once again but was instead taken to what appeared to be a training facility where some Storm Troopers were currently training. When Phasma noticed them she gave the signal to stop before walking over, Zheth ignored her and took in the other members of the First Order who were watching.

"I see you're ready for getting your strength back." Phasma nodded to her. "Don't expect us to go easy on you."

"You knew she was awake?" Hux scowled slightly, much to Zheth's amusement. "Why didn't you tell me? Since when did everyone think to leave me out of these things? I am the boss here!"

She snickered slightly and he gave her a look. "Aw, is Ginger upset?"

He ignored the comment. "Phasma, take her through training, we need to see if she's ready for her next task."

"I already know my task, I don't need this training." She growled, indignity suddenly flashing through her.

"Ren... Always getting ahead of himself." Hux continued muttering under his breath before looking at her, using one of his hands to hold her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I am in charge here, whatever Kylo Ren told you to do... It means nothing unless I approve. Now you will obey Phasma until I decide where your place is here, is that understood?"

"I'm a bounty hunter, I have no master or superior." She smirked at him and crossed her arms.

Hux stared at her coldly for a few more seconds, a small smirk twitching across his face that was barely noticeable, before he walked off. Zheth covered her laugh with a cough before looking to Phasma. "Well, aren't you going to test me then?"

"FN-9023, show her what I've taught you." Phasma turned away to watch as two other Storm Troopers continued their sparring match as another one walked over with a shield and two staffs.

She caught one as it was thrown to her and got into a fighting stance, a rush of adrenaline shaking off the cobwebs of sleep. "I'm feeling confident, why don't you move first?"

FN-9023 rushed at her faster than she first expected and she darted to the side, stumbling slightly before blocking the stroke. The force of the attack was still enough to make her use both hands to fend off the Storm Trooper, she knew she was in a weakened state after being in that coma but at least it wasn't as bad as some cases she'd heard of. Zheth retreated a few steps, dodging and deflecting as many attacks as she could, taking a few hits as well, as she tired out her opponent.

Neither of them spoke during their duel, their dance with electrified poles, and Zheth staggered a bit once more. She was getting tired just dodging around FN-9023's attacks... she had to end this. Now. Backing up a few paces she examined her opponent once more, he was leaning slightly to the right, both hands now on the staff while the shield was tossed aside. She could practically see the look of victory on his face behind that helmet her wore... how wrong FN-9023 would be soon enough, confidence was this one's downfall and she was about to teach him to never let his guard down.

Zheth lunged at his left before twirling the staff in her hand and striking hard at his head. FN-9023 gave a grunt of pain as he staggered to the side, which granted her access to kick him in the kidney. Despite the man's armor, the Storm Trooper gave another hiss of pain that he'd been holding back. She kept up her attacks, giving him time to dodge some just to keep the fight going, until she missed a beat as FN-9023 changed his tactics and tackled her, this time using his staff to press down on her throat. Zheth struggled under him before going still... he fell for the unconscious trick, which she'd expect from a mindless bucket head, and she kicked him in the gut. The Storm Trooper fell onto his back and Zheth brought her staff down on his chest, shocking the man once more, before swinging it at his head. FN-9023's head lolled to the side, though he was still breathing.

"At least make it a-"Coughing interrupted her and she collapsed on the ground. Why couldn't she breath?

"Predator!" Phasma hurried over before turning to one of the Storm Troopers. "Don't stand there! One of you go find a med droid and get it here!"

Zheth's coughs were turning to wheezes as she closed her eyes. She could faintly feel someone pulling her helmet off before sinking into unconsciousness.


"She's awake." Zheth faintly heard a robotic voice speak as she came to.

Two figures appeared as she blinked her eyes into focus, she smirked at the one on the left. "What does the crazy cat man wish to say this time?"

"I honestly don't know where you get these names from..." Hux muttered before examining her closely. "Do you remember what happened?"

"I was hit by a spaceship." She sat up impatiently and stood up. "Of course I remember!"

Phasma probably rolled her eyes at the irritated outburst. "You inhaled smoke and it damaged your lungs more than expected."

"What are you saying?" She growled, forcing back a cough as she glared at Phasma, fear building inside her slightly... What if she was no longer useful? Would they kill her because she new so much?

"Your health has decreased but with time I'm sure you'll get back to your old self." Hux said calmly, signaling Phasma was dismissed. "Well, maybe not completely. The damage to your lungs is a bit too late to fix, especially since our bacta tank was destroyed, but once you get your strength back the attacks should lessen."

This time a cough escaped as she spoke again. "Whatever... I can't fight properly like this. That's what it means... I'm useless as a bounty hunter now. Not unless I resort to cheap tricks like poison darts and blasters alone."

"So much like your-" Zheth gave him a look as he cut off his sighed words and spoke up. "You'll be relieved to know I have created a solution... If you had been patient I would've been able to tell you."

"There's my cunning fox, I hope whatever you thought up works." She gave a halfhearted smile, still not completely convinced.

Hux flashed a small smirk before it disappeared. "Follow me, I'll tell you about my solution as we walk." 

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