Chapter 6

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"Another trip to the med bay already? Who could have predicted this?" The robotic voice held a hint of smugness.

Zheth moaned in response before blinking into focus and turning to face the man. "Shut up Kylo."

"Now is that any way to speak to your superior?" He was right beside her now, one hand clenched around the fabric on her shoulder. "Or perhaps you don't care."

"Bingo Emo Ren."

"Get up." She hissed slightly in pain as he pulled her up before being released. "You didn't tell us you were returning so soon."

"Well as you probably noticed I couldn't." She coughed, tasting a hint of blood.

She limped after him until he stopped at his parents. "Why is my mother here?"

"I had orders from General Hux. The First Order wants her as a bargaining piece." She explained, avoiding eye contact with both prisoners as uncalled for guilt settled into her. "Your father is supposed to be dead right now according to my mission details... Don't let Hux know he's here."

"He won't be here long." Kylo responded. "I just need him long enough for some questions."

"Ben, don't kill him." Leia spoke up firmly despite her situation.

"Ben is dead." Kylo dragged his father to his feet before tilting his head and looking back. "Zheth... what did you do to him?"

"It was a non fatal dose of poison. He'll be fine soon." She took a step back.

"Help me take him to a cell, the Storm Troopers can handle General Organa and inform Hux of her arrival. That should keep his attention away from Solo."

"Ben, don't hurt him." Leia's voice was softer this time, more motherly, Zheth winced she'd heard that tone a few times from General Organa... the guilt stung a bit more for what she'd done. "He's your father and I know you can't-"

"When the time comes for his death... I'll make you watch." Kylo snarled before shoving Han forward. "Walk."

Zheth looked away as Han cast a glance her way. She would not let these liars get to her... though technically he had been lied to as well... No. She wouldn't feel sorry for what she'd done. This was what people like her did! What about these people was making her so soft?

"Go to the medical wing, you need treatment." Kylo ordered. "Then go report to General Hux."

She nodded and changed course for the medical bay, not that she would actually go there, instead she again turned and went to her room instead. As a bounty hunter she had learned to take care of her own injuries, she didn't need help with her wounds. Zheth pulled off her helmet and started with her face and head, once the blood was washed off she finished patching up her injuries, which consisted mainly of cuts and bruises but there was one broken rib and she was positive there was a crack on her femur. It would heal though; she'd gone through worse... obviously.

She was finishing the repairs to her helmet when the door to her quarters slid open and Hux strutted in. "I see your mission was a-"

"Do you know the meaning of knocking?" Zheth interrupted. "Seriously, what if I wasn't dressed?"

Hux looked slightly annoyed at being cut off but she grinned as a hint of embarrassment crossed his face as well. "Well, it seems you weren't so that doesn't matter. Now as I was-"

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