Swim Splash

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Marie held fast as her partner tried to figure out his whereabouts and the small blonde looked on incredulously. Savannah realized she'd have a tough go of it if she ever wanted the man she'd most ever regretted cheating on back but this... this blue eyed bimbo brought it to a whole new level. She'd never been be able to compare to that free spirited gypsy of a woman by his side, but she had to try.

Savannah steeled her resolve and puffed out her chest as she viewed the scene before her. Aenon had finally struggled free after his initial shock of Marie having actually face-boobed him. While he struggled to regain his composure and resist the urge to make a smart mouthed quip at Marie's obviously wanting him, he noticed the two girls having a stare down. Marie looking at the woman who, in her mind, resembled a model that had simply been cut off at the shins and Savannah looking up at the woman, who in her mind, was the 300 Spartan wall blocking the path to Aenon.

Meanwhile the object of their dispute combated with an old wound of hurt and despair which had never fully healed, just been swallowed up by his life in the sea. The trio stayed like this for minutes before Marie grabbed his hand, "Macht nichts. I've already won," she pulled the confused seaweed green eyed man towards her, "let's go. The sooner we're home the sooner we can go for a swim."

They headed towards the parking lot leaving a confused blonde in their wake. What did that bimbo mean she'd already won? What the hell did macht nichts mean? Who was she even? There's no one like that where they're from. Not even the prom queen, which just happened to be Savannah, looked like that. Just where had he disappeared to for those ten years?

She had to know. If she found out who this blue eyed, black haired, frustratingly gorgeous vixen was then maybe she could find out what had happened to the Aenon she knew. He was taller and more refined muscularly now, but that wasn't all that'd changed. Something more was different, something she couldn't quite put her finger on...

Aenon and Marie made their way to the car where instead of singing to the radio like they had on the way there they sat in heavy silence. She didn't know what to say and he was lost in his thoughts. The drive back was uneventful aside from a car honking and almost funning them off of the ferry.

Soon they were back on the island and when pulling in Marie's headlights showed a strange car. She didn't know whose it was and immediately began to worry. Did they find her? Was it Claus? Clyde maybe? She didn't know but she wasn't about to find out. Getting out of the car she ran for the sea without a second thought. Her merman companion followed at a slower pace but when he saw the sea's starlit waters he sighed. Yeah maybe that was just what he needed. A swim would always clear his mind, even when he'd been fully human.

The sooner the sea enveloped them, the better they both thought. No sooner had the warm salty waters welcomed them than they each sported a sleek tail of their respective colors. Marie delighted in the sea and all its moonlit splendor as she floated aimlessly around the bay while Aenon took comfort in the fresh anonymous feeling it gave him. Here he could be himself without worrying about Savannah, however that wasn't the case at the moment. He couldn't take his mind off of the past and a renewed drive to switch back Marie and Jamie's powers took hold of him. He would leave all these human problems on land and swim back to the sea to become a warrior.

Marie, however, didn't pick up on this as she delighted in chasing the fish and watching everything from the new perspective that the moonlight gave. The fish were sleeping and she felt nothing but at peace in the calm soothing waves. She floated for a few moments and closed her eyes surrendering to the serenity of the place she loved. The sea was her true home, this she knew in her heart. Somehow maybe she was meant to be like this, she smiled as the thought crossed her mind. Maybe Jamie was meant to be saved by her and she was meant to become a mermaid. Nothing was ever certain about the future after all.

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