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Lucy POV

I was practicing basketball at my public park. I always do that because I literally love any type of sport. Swimming, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, any! I'm starting my new school at Fairy Tail High. I just got back from Miami and came to Mangolia.

I know 2 languages and my father has the richest company in the entire world. If you explain Heartfillia, they will immediately know we are the richest company. I usually change my last name cause I don't want people to judge me based on my appearance and name. that's why I plan to be totally different in my new school.

People think I'm a daddy's girl and gets everything she wants and wears designer clothes and am always rude. Haha no. Whenever I'm with my dad and with paparazzi I wear tons of make up so no one recognizes me.

I usually wear skinny jeans, and a crop top or tank top plus some Vans. I think it's comfortable. The one thing I always wear is my bracelet and hat. I love sports because my mom used to love it. She died when I was 5.

So anyway I was practicing at the park and an hour later I decided to leave. I got my skateboard and then got a text from my dad.

'Honey you need to come home by 8:30 we have visitors'

I rolled my eyes and texted back

'Yeah k, & did u already enroll me 2 FTH???'

I was waiting then my phone buzzed

'Honey, please use correct grammar anyway, yes I did'

I replied

'Lol dad ur funny! kk c u! love ya😘'

I put my phone away in my back pocket. I then realized my bracelet was gone I started panicking. I CAN'T LOSE THAT IT'S THE MOST PRECIOUS THING I HAVE!

I saw a light reflect of a shiny metal in the grass. I quickly went to it and grabbed it until someone else grabbed it too.

We then looked into each others eyes and everything went slow motion. We closely came together and...

NOPE! Just kidding!

He looked at me then I looked at him. He had pink hair and had a black sweater and some jeans. He smiled then I see girls at the background.

Ahh! Now I see, he a playboy! he probably goes to Fairy Tail High cause I see the fairy tail high insignia on his sweater.

He stares at me trying to make us have a moment. So I play along. I look in his eyes and he gets closer so I get closer. I opened my mouth getting ready for what's coming next then...

"Hey! this is my bracelet can you let go?!" I say harshly holding in my laugh.

He was stunned. The pinkette looked at me then gave me my bracelet. I smiled still holding my laugh. my gosh this guy is so funny! He thought we had a moment!

I smiled at him then see my forever best friend, Levy. So I decided to play a little but more with him.

"Hey, umm my name's Natsu" said the pink haired playboy.

I open my arms for a hug so he did that too then duck under his arms and hug Levy who was behind him.

I can't hold it in.

"Hahahahahahahahahahha!" I laughed so hard my gut hurt so much.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" levy joined with me.

"Hey what's that about? I thought we had a moment!?" Natsu said red with embarrassment.

"Sorry Natsu, I don't like guys like you" I said still holding my stomach from laughing .

"Oh! Natsu this is-" Levy started but I covered her mouth and glared at her.

"Someone that's not interested., plus I think you wouldn't even recognize me when I go to your school so why would I tell you?" I say with a little sass.

He was really shocked at my response.

"Hey Levy gotta go to my dads house! see ya at school!" I said as I get my on my skateboard I untied my hair and let it flow to my back. I put on my bracelet and got my basketball.

"Kay! See ya!" Levy smiled.

I winked at Natsu after I skateboarded all the way home.


Hope y'all like the first chapter!!!

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