Chapter 14 &

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Lucy POV (at lunch while the GaLe moment happened)

"Look Flame idiot, we broke up story over" Gray said.

"Then why were the rest of you guys there?" Natsu asked narrowing his eyes.

"We had a sleepover" Gray said like nothing bug happened.

"What?! and not even invite me! The girl I liked was there and you didn't invite me! You knew I like her ice brain!" Natsu said his eyes full of anger.

"Ok, first of all, we had a sleepover and didn't invite you cause you were too busy flirting with girls yesterday, second we broke up! and third she's all yours" Gray said as he was now topless.

"Gray, shirt" I said annoyingly. Gray jumped and ran to the restroom leaving me and Natsu alone in the table.

"I don't get why your here. I don't really like you" he said glaring at me.

"Oh, you like me more than you know" I muttered under my breath.

"What you say?" Natsu said still doing that creepy glare.

"Nothing Pinky!" I said smirking.

"What's with the creepy smirk?" Natsu chuckled.

"What's with the creepy glare?" I snickered.

"Ok look, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you yesterday, I thought you were a annoying person who thought only about himself... actually that opinion hasn't changed yet" I said smiling.

"Mine hasn't either" Natsu scoffed.

"Tell me, why do you act like this" I said.

"Like what?" Natsu said being the idiot he is.

"Like a playboy who thinks he's better than everyone here at school?" - Me

"What, what do you mean I am like this" - Natsu

"No you're not, Tell me about the girl you like" - Me

"Why?" he shot an ugly glare at me.

"Just describe her" I said rolling my eyes.

"Well, he has pretty blonde hair, gold even! She's nice, smart, and athletic. A guys number one wish list for a girlfriend is that his girlfriend knows her sports." Natsu was literally looking up into the sky.

I looked up too to see what he was looking at then he sighed.

"See you're a totally different person!" I said proud of my victory.


"Natsu, you act differently than how you act at school... it's like you can easily be yourself around that girl."

It was weird because we were talking about me and Natsu didn't even know.

"Yeah, she's changing me... I broke up with Lis so I could be with her and another reason too." Natsu said.

"Wow Angel would be super flattered if you did that for her... and after all you did take her advice" I said smiling sweetly.

"Yeah may- wait how do you know Angel I never mention her once when we talked or the advice she gave me" Natsu said.

"Ha ha ha ummm what?" I said nervously.

He got closer to me and he was glaring hardcore brother!

"Who are you?" he said leaning in more.

Wait this is the perfect time to kiss him maybe! wait what am I thinking?! Wait once I'm done with this it'll be out of my hair! well here goes nothing.

I pulled his shirt and we both collided, our lips smashing together. This lasted a good 20 second and when we pulled apart I see Gray, Juvia, Erza, Jellal, Mira, Laxus with their jaws open and Mira I'm guessing is taking a video.

I looked back at Natsu and when I realized what I have done I completely blushed. I kissed him! My first actual kiss!

I touched my lips and he touched his.

He was about to say something until I punched his stomach so hard" he fainted.

I panicked so while all the others were just staring.

He slightly got up and asked "what happened?".

"Um just got hit in the head with a Football." I lied and he got up and rubbed his head.



*smiling/smirking* Mawahahaha it's a Laysu moment... ( what ever you think their ship name is?) 😂 ~LynLyn

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