Chapter 41

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Zeref POV

Well of course I ran after her like in those movies. She was kinda slow so I caught up to her quickly. I pulled her in a hug. She cried and tears streamed down my face.

"Please" she ripped me off her.

"I dont want to see you for another*sniff* like 2 years" She saw a taxi and called one out.

I held her hands.

"Please I'll make this right I promise!" I said trying to prevent her from going into the taxi.

"Then call me when you made it right" she closed the door and she looked straight ahead not looking a second glance at me. I knocked on the window and she still wouldn't look.

Before I knew it she was gone. Just like that, the person I truly loved... Vansihed.

Flashback ended

I went to the icecream place which was way farther from Lucy's house than expected.

When I get there I looked through the window to see if she was there. I didnt see any blond hairs or short little girls.

"Man where is that tiny dwarf" I said looking around.
"What?! Did you call me?!" I turned around.
"Um I said A lovely little fairy?" she huffed and we both went inside.

"So... Are you out of that set up company your father made you do" she asked as she ate icecream.

I shook my head no.

"That why the hail am I doing here?" she threw her hands up in the air.

"I came back and just wanted to see you again" I simply said.
"Well now you did... So bye" She got up but I pulled her back down to her seat.

"Mavis... My dad died and I dont know where Natsu is at the moment and the girl I was almost gonna marry is actually someone you know and she decided to help me with getting back with you plus! She likes maybe loves another guy and if it wasnt for her father we would've been married by now so don't leave becuase we did this all for you... And me" I said that quickly and sternly staring straight into her eyes.

She looked at me. Water began dripping from her eyes.

"You did that all for me?!" She said sobbing.
"Well duh, I wouldnt let the loml (love of my life) get away that easy" I said rolling my eyes.

We hugged each other for a minute until I felt something cold, sticky, and slimy come down my back. People were ohhh'ing.

I backed up with my mouth open. THEN BAM! A shot of whipped cream made contact with my face.

I looked up to see it was Mavis giggling.

"It took you too long" she said laughing.
"YOU WANTED THE 2 YEARS" I grabbed her icecream and put it over her hair and face. Everyone stood up. I smirked at what a great masterpiece I've done.

"Wow... I could be the next Shakespeare!" I said studying her.
"IDIOT! SHAKESPEARE ISNT EVEN AN ARTIST, HE WRITES BOOKS AND PLAYS" she yelled throwing at me a whole bunch of other peoples icecream.

"THIS IS FOR DESTROYING MY FAVORITE ICECREAM!" Mavis threw at me gummy worms, chewy gum balls, and smoothered milk all over my silky black hair.

"FOOD FIGHHHTTTTT!!!!!" someone yelled.

We all went after each other and the emoplyes and manager too. We were going to have to pay... Alot!

After a 30 minute watse of pure sweetness, all of us were covered in icecream and icecream toppings.

I laughed then Mavis joined in.

I hugged her.

"Yes..." she said.
"Huh?" I looked at her confused.
"Yes I'll marry you! Remember a year ago with the box in your hand!" I nodded my head.
"YESSSS!!! I WANNA SPEMD THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH YOU!" she screamed and we both smashed our lips together.

Everyone was cheering and smiling.

Her tiny lips were so small but it was enough to make the most darkest kid smile.

After a 3 second kiss we parted.

"You know, I only kissed you to get the whipped cream off your lips" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"It was yummy wasnt it?" I said smirking. She blushed.

"Whatever!" I kissed her again. She smiled through the kiss.

We parted once again and everyone was screaming 'yes!' or cheering random stuff. When everyone cleaned up we were the last ones to leave.

"We will pay the 100,000J... Somehow" I mumbled.
"Good, invite me to your wedding! I would love to make the cake!" he yelled as we walked away.
"Will do Mr. Cakers!" Mavis smiled.

As we walked away we held onto each others hand.

"You just back and we're together again?" she questioned.
"Yup! Oh and also do you wanna meet up with me and my not anymore future wife" I said.
"Sure! You said I might know her so why not?" she smiled we went our separate ways.

I walked to the house to see a very worried and mad Lucy standing in front.

"Where were you?!" she screamed slapping me in the face.

I smiled.

"With Mavis" I walked into her house.

"OMG TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!" she squealed like a little girl .


MAWAHHAHAHA ZERVIS HAPPENED... YASSSS LOL😂😚 LUBBBSSSSS YAAAAAA! Get ready for next friday cuz thats when Lucy and Natsu actually...~LynLyn😘

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