Chapter 20

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Lucy POV

I woke up in the morning and started doing my regular routine thing. I was wearing leggings and an oversized sweater with combat boots. My hair was a little wavy cause I curled it and I was soooo happy!

I finally have Natsu! He was my crush since the beginning of the school year and now! Im so happy! Well I did force him... but I'm sure he wanted to anyway!

I walk to school and I'm happily skipping on the sidewalk. It's pretty weird but don't judge! All of a sudden I see Levy and I wave at her but then her eye widened. She rushed over to me along with my other friends.

"Hey gu-" I got cut off by them rushing me over to a side of the building.

"Lucy! Why are you not in your ahem! Layla form thing!" Levy whisper yelled at me.

I look at my hair and took my phone out to see my eye color and I realize that I didn't wear the Layla thing!

I'm panicking! I'm hyperventilating! I start pacing back an forth.

"What if they ask who I am?! What if the teachers force me to tell them who I am in front of the whole class?! Or worse! What if Natsu finds out!" I start biting my nails and my heart is pounding!

"Lucy! Lucy! Get a hold of yourself! You'll be fine!" Erza said shaking me by the shoulders.

"No! no! no! I can't! I just started!" I said wiping sweat from my fore head.

"Don't you have some of that hair spray thing you always use to change your color?" Gray asked coolly.

Oh yeah my stylist also got me an extra hair spray with the special ingredients in case of emergency.

"Wait waaa?" I look at him straight in the eye.

"The spray thingy for your hair color" Gray replied. I jump in realization that I do have an extra hair spray thing in my gym locker.

"I do have an extra in my gym locker!" I yell and squeal in happiness.

"I'm happy I'm happy I'm good I'm good I'm awesome I'm awesome " I kept on continuing to cheer on my extra hair spray.

"Snap out of it, Lucy!" Jellal says out of no where snapping his fingers at me.

"Yeah, Lu~chan you don't have any more time to go to the gym lockers anymore cause of cheering" Levy rolled her eyes.

"No!!! Wait... I can sneak there and come back!" I smirked at my idea.

"You guys have to stall for me! Please!" I said begging them.

"Fine, but you owe us" Erza smirked.

I gulped. "F-fine" I raced toward the gym.

10 minutes later of trying to avoid people especially Natsu. I finally got to the girls locker room.

I went to locker 236 and hear some "noises". I went around the corner and see Mr. Reht, our gym teacher and Mrs. Mendoza, my Spanish teacher kissing. Gross.

I made a surprising face and a disgusting face at the same time.

"Please don't tell" They both said nervously looking at me.

Opportunity! Mawahahahahaha!

"Hmmmm... Only if I get a pass cause O had to get something here and a redo on my Spanish test." I said smirking evilly.

They sighed and gave me the pass. 2 classes after this is Spanish and I have to take it in the library.

Take about a 2 in 1!

I go to the bathroom and put the hair spray in my hair and it turns into the brownish blondish hair I dot really like.

I flip my hair and then bam! It hit me! I forgot the contacts! I'll just cover them up with my hair... no that's just gonna make me look emo.

I sighed and walked to class until someone stopped me. Lisanna?

"Oh hey Lis!" I say smiling.
"Hey Lucy!" She smilies back.
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"Why can't I? Haha anyway your friends told me your current situation and here" she handed me a hat. It had an 'L' on the front and it was salon colored with black sparkles. I loved it!

"It's yours" Lisanna said. I was shocked.
"What? Isn't this yours?" I said.
"Nah, I was gonna give it to you on Winter break but right now is the right time" Lisanna said winking.
"OMG! Lis! You are a life saver!" I said hugging her.
"Yeah yeah ok!" she said trying to pry me off her.
"Thanks so much! You don't know how important this is!" I say putting the hat on.
"I think I know a bit, now go! Im meeting my boyfriend!" She says shooing me away.
"Ok" I smile and go to class.

I walk into class and I'm 30 minutes late. I put my head down.

"Ms. Layla?" the teacher said.
"Pass!" I slammed the paper on his desk and sit on my desk.
"Um ok anyway back to the lesson!" I stare at the hat while looking down.

This is the best hat anyone ever gave...


IM SORRY!!! I WAS TOO MUCH JNTO ANIME THE LAST 2 DAYS! I was watching Sword art online and I'm planning to watch Angel Beats! Yo tell me what amines to watch cause I wanna watch as much as I can before school starts!~LynLyn

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