Chapter 30

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Lucy POV

I walk put of the plane dizzy, Im not a big fan of... Planes. I ran off and kissed the sweet, sweet... Rocky... Salty... Gross... Ewwww!!!!!

I got up and almost threw up so I went to the nearest trashcan. Somebody tapped me on the shoulder. The person I didnt want to see most... He handed me a water bottle and I gladly took it.

"Thanks" was all I said and finished the whole water bottle in 10 seconds.

"Danggg! Lucy, were you stranded in a desert or something?!" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"I just dont like planes" I said throwing the bottle away in the trash.

"Hey come on, lets just get to know each other and actually be nice for once becuase you are my future wife... Well maybe" he said smirking.

"Fine, but just to be clear, getting to know each other but pretending to be together!" I scolded him.

"Yeah yeah ok Ms. Heartfillia" he took his hand out. I took it.

"I wanna go to the house first... I need to rest" I said getting into the car.

"Sure" he replied.
"Thanks, Zeref" I smiled.

20 minutes later

Ahhhhhh! The sweet smell of a new home! I walked in with Zeref and maids were at my serivice as usual. I called out to my dad.

"Dad! Im home!" i yelled. Zeref winced as I screamed.

"Honey! How are you? Youre rooms upstairs by the way!" he smiled hugging me.

"Oh and I see you and your future husband are getting along quite nicely" he wiggled his eyebrows. I looked at where he was looking and I was still holding hands with Zeref.

I quickly let go and rubbed my hands. His hands feel so soft and warm, It kinda feels like... NO! I came here to forget about everything, not let anything make me a toy, I came here to start a new life.

"I-um its not-" i got cut off.
"I know what you're thinking... Lets talk about it later?" Zeref said. I nodded.

"Well I got a lot of work in the office I'll see you guys for a dinner gathering" dad said going back to his office. I sighed.

"Lets go upstairs" I said heading to the stairs. I looked at the maid, Virgo.

"First door on your right, hime" She said... hime?

Zeroed and me headed to my new bedroom. I placed the ball on the shelf and went to sit on the bed. Zeref sat in the spinning chair looking at me.

"Ok... what was I thinking?" I said fixing my bed.

"My hand felt familiar, didn't it?" Zeref said.

"Umm... who do you-" I got cut off.

"You didn't let go and the only person with my kind of hand is my brother... I've heard about you actually... a lot" Zeref said spinning around.

"Does that mean Natsu-"
"Yes, he's my brother" He finishes my sentence.

I laughed.

"Better not be like him then... he-"
"I know"
"But he really does love you" Zeref said.

"Who do you know?" I said facing the other side of the room.

"He said so" I was shocked.
"Well he has a different definition of love then! He cheated on me! He had-" I was about to continue on my rant until a hand reached my mouth.

"I know... it's my fault" He said.
"Why? why would you teach him that?" I asked.

"I don't know, I thought girls liked those kind of guys but that's was until I met... A girl, she actually looks kinda like you. But short" Zeref said laughing.

"Wow ok who is it?" I said rolling my eyes. I got some chips from bag and started eating some.

"Mavis Vermillion" He said.

I choked and then Zeref helped me.

"Achh! Mavis... As in Blonde hair, short, bubbly personality, and peaceful Mavis Vermillion?!" I said.

"Yeah, we meet a year ago in collage" he shrugged.

My eyes widened "you're done with collage! You're like 5 years older than me then!"

"Yeah... but that's why we split up, my dad said I had an arranged marriage just for the business. I told her and she got mad that I didn't do something about it so she left me."-Zeref

"Actually... she's my-"


SORRY IM LATE SORRY! I'll post another today... or tomorrow then after that it'll be the regular updates! I'm not gonna be lazy, PROMISE! lubbbbsssss yaaaaa!~LynLyn

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