Chapter 19^*^

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Lucy POV

"THE WINNER IS... LUCY!" Levy called out.

"YAYAYAYYA!" I yelled and gave the girl a high five and levy.

"Yeah, yeah" Natsu said behind me.

"I win! Girls are better!" I smiled in his face.

"Whatever... he ya go bud" he said handing the basketball to the boy.

"Umm no its ok, its sweaty from you Guys. you can have it" The boy said with a weak smile.

"Thanks dude!" I fist bump him.

"What your names?" Natsu asked I the children.

"Luke, and this is my annoying friend, Nashi." he smiled.

"Am not!" Nashi said.

"Hehe" Luke laughed.

"Ok bye! Have to go!" Nashi and Luke ran over to their moms.

"They're so cute!" I said.

"Yup! But I still win!" Natsu said.

"What why?!" I asked.

"Because I'm the last one to have the ball in my hands!" Natsu said proudly.

"Oh yeah!" I chased him and he ran I jumped last minute and I jumped on his back making him fall forward.

"Mawahahaha! Im still better! Now will you go out with me?!" I said turning him around making myself sit on his stomach.

"Hmmmm...I'll have to think bout it." he said while he rubbed his chin.

"Then I'll make you!" I smirked as I held his arms with my legs and my hands on his cheeks.

"I'm still thinking" he said. I smirked more.

"Fine" I was going to kiss him and he was also coming closer to my lips but I pulled my lips away. I did it again and each time I did it I pulled away when we were about to kiss.

Natsu was getting annoyed by my actions.

"Come on just kiss me!" He whined.

"Umm I'll think about it" I said copying him.

I smiled and went closer to Gina nod out noses were touching.

"I'll ask again...Will you go out with me?" I said.

"Yeah" He rolled his eyes and we closed the gap between our lips.

We pulled apart just to hear the cries of Levy.

I got off of Natsu.

"Levy? Are you okay?" I asked.

"I MISS HIM!" Levy cried into my shoulder. I hugged her.

Natsu got up and went to Levy.

"Why don't you apologize to him then?" Natsu said.

"Cause he started it!" Levy cried more and more.

"He said he misses you and refuses to go out with anyone and he's so isolated because of it" Natsu said.

I looked at Levy.

"Really?" She sniffled.

He nodded his head and she smiled then her face turned into a stern one.

"But I'm not forgiving him... he's gonna do it first!" Levy said starting to walk home.

"Ughhhh!" I said.

We walked home and Natsu kissed my cheek when we stopped by Levy's place so I could get my stuff.

"Much be Nice! Lu~chan, but are you gonna tell him about your personality change thing?" Levy said rolling on her bed.

"Oh I might tell him on Winter break" I said packing my stuff up.

"Ok Lev, I'm going to leave now see you tomorrow at school" I said going outside her door and out her front door. I walked outside going to my house.

Today was a great day! Minus the Levy break down.

I lay down on my bed think of ways to tell Natsu.


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