Chapter 9 :/

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Levy's POV

I ran out crying out of the bathroom because I heard Gajeel and Juvia used to date. I know it's old news but Gajeel said if it wasn't for Gray they would still be together!

When I was with Juvia, I asked if she had any ex boyfriends and she said no. I guess she lied.

My eyes were puffy and red and I was waiting for Gajeel to answer.

"Well?" I stated more angrily than usual.

"So? Why would you care?" he scoffed at me.

I THOUGHT HE WAS A NICE GUY AND APPARENTLY I WAS WRONG! I sniffles and walked up to him and looked up at his face.

I slapped him.

"BECAUSE YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE I LOVED!" I yelled running to my room.

There was a knock on the door.

Lucy POV

I felt sorry for both of them but more sorry for Levy. She really did like him, well love him. She wouldn't stop talking, thinking, looking at him when she had the chance. I guess he didn't feel the same way.

"How dare you do that to my friend?!" I yelled and slapped him on the face too.

'What?" He replied.

"Never say that to a girl that likes you! You dense Baka!" I yelled at him.

I ran to Levy's room and knocked on her door.

"Levy? You ok?" I asked.

I heard sniffles and the door was unlocked so I went in.


"Lu~chan!!! WHY WOULD HE EVEN SAY THAT?" Levy said crying on my shoulder hugging me tightly.

"It's okay Lev, he's a stupid guy who doesn't even know a beautiful girl standing right in front of him" I heard Levy cry and sob even more.


I hear a knock on the door.

"Hello? Levy? Love Rival?" I hear Juvia say from the other side of the door.

She came in her head was down.

"I'm soooo sorry, Levy~chan! I-I-" Juvia was cut of by Levy.

"SAVE IT! I trusted you! Go and be with him! It's not like Gray likes you back!" Levy shouts.

"Levy! don't say that! she's still our friend!" I said sternly at Levy.

"It's okay, but at least I never gave up on him" Juvia walked out of the room and with those last words Levy was crying her heart out.

Third POV

Meanwhile outside...

Everyone was stunned and all of them dared not to say a word until Gajeel finally spoke up.

"I really didn't know" was all he said and he got up to get his stuff and leave until Juvia also came out in the living room.

"She hates me too Gajeel~kun, we should probably leave." Juvia says getting her stuff.

Gajeel nods and walks towards the door.

"Wait! What about my sh- I mean what about you guys try to work it out?" Mira says almost blowing her massive plans on her friends.

"Nah, Shrimp would be even more mad especially if we're in her house." Gajeel says.

"Yeah" Juvia says.

They both open the door.

"See you guys tomorrow... maybe" Juvia says as both exits the door.

When both left the remaining group was trying to make a plan for them to make up. While they did that Levy and Lucy thought of saying sorry and trying to give Gajeel and Juvia a chance to explain.

'Did I just blow my chance to get a guy I liked?' Levy thought getting out of we room.

"They're gone" Erza said.

'I blew it' Levy thought again.


Vote comment something? yeah! totally! lol ~ LynLyn

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