Chapter 24

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Sorry! Ok I might be trying to turn this book into something bad and I'm on that time of month... and sometimes I want happy stuff and sad stuff so... you gotta deal with it... BUT I PROMISE! IT IS A NALU FANFIC!

Lucy POV

I woke up in a hospital. I looked around and see my dad.

"What happened?" I asked.
"I heard a thump in your room and I went up and you fell off the bed." He replied.
"oh" is all I said.

(Day of get together... I'm lazy...)

"Yay! Everything is ready!" I cheered.

Ever since that strange dream I had of Natsu and Lisanna... I just been ignoring it and thinking it was a nightmare.

I heard a knock on the door...

"ERZA! MIRA!" I say hugging them.

"Hey Lucy! And I know what your doing, I'm in!" Mira winked at me.

"Me too!" Erza said.

"Ok plan..." I thought of a name for Gajeel as Levy until Mira beat me to it.

"Make GaLe Happen!" Mira screamed.
"Okay! Don't have to shout! Also where's Laxus, I would've thought you guys were kissing and stuff cause remember last time" I said thinking about those hickeys Laxus gave Mira.

"Oh yeah... he said that he had to visit his grandpa and family reunion and stuff" she said waving it off I shrugged.

"Well... lets wait for Juvia, Gray, Gajeel, Levy, and Natsu!" I said happily.

There was a knock.

"Hey guys" I hear Gray say. Juvia is right next to him.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Something you guys wanna tell us" I said as Mira and Erza glared from behind.

"Ummm... can we tell you later?" I check for the girls approval. They nod and I let them in.

"Can you bring the guitar, Mira!" I yell to her.

"Yup!" she ran to the instrument room.

"Erza! We still have to save the cake for the others!" I say to Erza.

"I'm eating Jellal's!" she yelled back sobbing and eating.

There was a doorbell this time and I ran to the door.

"Juvia! Can you bring the chocolates to the living room?! Gray come here and help me with the-" I got cut off.

"Change jobs! Gray~sama gets chocolates an Juvia will help Love Rival!" she said running towards me.

I roll my eyes. I opened the door. It was Gajeel and Levy. They both smiled. I put on a confused face my eyes widened.

"Lu~chan!" she said hugging me, I went stiff.

"Umm... I thought-" I was cut off.

"We'll tell you later let's just enjoy now" Gajeel said side hugging Levy.

"Wow! Everyone just wants to hold suspension! Don't they!" I yell out to no one and let them in.

"Yay! All we need to wait on is..." I got cut off by a doorbell an knock.

I open the door.

"NAT-" I trailed off when I see someone else.
"Lisanna?" I ask looking at her.
"Um... I'm sorry, Can I come in? I just broke up with Bixslow a few days ago and... I don't have anywhere to go and-" I cut her off.
"No, it's okay! I invited you first anyway so no need to say sorry" I said smiling I let them in and let them sit on the couch.
"Anyway... why are you guys together?" I asked getting chocolate and stuff some in my mouth.
"Oh... I just needed comforting after all Natsu is my best friend" Lisanna said.

I choked. Comforting?


"Look... Bix broke up with me and I just need comforting... please?" I hear through the phone.

Flashback ends

I start coughing and Natsu handed me a bottle of water.

"Are you okay? Angel?" Natsu asked.
"Yeah I'm good" I said.
"Well... I guess we should all start explaining now... right?!" Mira said tuning the guitar.
"Yeah... let's... talk" I narrowed my eyes at Natsu.

Don't get me wrong! I still think it was a dream and stuff I just... really I don't know if I should even trust him! But I'm gonna say the truth about me now.


Bam! Finished... ok don't blame me okay?! I love drama and yeah whatever and I just- wait y'all want me to make this a Stinglu and Nali fanfic...😈 Ok no no no! sorry! well... some parts? still... blame it on my mood swings!~LynLyn

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