Chapter 15

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Lucy POV

A month passed when the "kiss" happened and now Natsu knows! Mira showed the video because he kept on bugging her on what she videoed. Because of that and the awkwardness we started to avoid each other, not talking to each other and not even looking a glance.

It's bothering me because he was just saying how much he like me... well Angel and now he's not coming to the park anymore! I only practice basketball and all that boring stuff.

Also there has been a lot of homework, stress, and we have to study for the upcoming test in December since we have a 3 week break in that month. I been literally studying my pants off and so has everyone else. Everyone else in our so called 'gang' we started to separate and go our owns ways for now so we don't get in each others way of studying.

I barley even see Levy~chan anymore, or Erza, Juvia, Mira, and the guys. When we do see each other we just smile and wave. At least talk to me!

Anyway recently Gajeel and Levy just had a major fight and broke up, now she's isolating herself from everyone else so she can study and sob about her break up.

Everyone is pushing each other away and I don't like it one bit but whenever I try to get the gang back together, but they just have some lazy excuse.

I really can't think about that right now because we have to majorly study for this big huge test that counts as 80% of our whole grade! There's also gonna be one at the end of the school year too but this... is just crazy!

Anyway I'm sitting on my desk studying and I already memorized all the mathematic equations, chemistry formulas, the whole history of Mangolia, and have made the perfect essay and story for the teachers.

"I'm done!" I yell out in happiness until my phone rang.

"Ughhhh! This better not be a 'what's the homework' type of thing again.

I answer the phone and it was Levy...

"Hello?" - Me
"Lu~chan?" - Levy
"Yes? Did you forget a book or homework again?" - Me
"No... I NEED YOU NOW!" I hear sobs coming from the other side of the phone.
"Ok... ok calm down Lev, how about I go to your place, ok?" I ask Levy.
"Ok" I hear some sniffles and I'm guessing this is about Gajeel.

It's already night time and its about 11, so I might as well sleep at her place. I was wearing some blue loose pj pants and wearing a pink tank top. I grab my Gray hoodie and slip on some fuzzy boots. I yawn as I tie my hair up in a ponytail and knock on my dad's door.

"Yes?" Dad said turning in his sleep.

"Levy~chan needs me right now, so can I go to her place" I ask whispering.

"Yeah, you can also stay there for te night it's already late" My dad yawned as he went back to sleep.

"Thanks" I whispered again and closed the door lightly. I went back to my room and got the clothes I need for tomorrow and got my phone and hat.

I quietly tip toed downstairs and across the kitchen so I won't wake up any of the maids and butlers. I open the door and get our and lock it after. I start walking to Lev's house and a few minutes later I knock on her door.

"Oh hello Lucy! Please come on in" Exclaimed Levy's mom, Lisa.

"Sorry to bother you, Lisa and Nate but Levy's-" I got cut off.

"Yes, levy can't stop crying each night... And we don't know why and feel free to stay the night" Lisa said.

"Just, please comfort our daughter" Nate says with concern.

"Of course... I'll try but I won't promise anything" I smiled.

"Thank you" was all they said after I went to Levy's room.

I knocked on her door and I hear sobs coming closer to the door. I backed away from what I saw next. I never seen Levy like this! It's horrible! I put down my bag, closed the door and sat next to Levy on her bed.

"Levy~chan, talk to me" I say waiting her answer.


I think you can comprehend what will happen next but... It's gonna get more AND I MEAN MOREEEE DRAMATIC! I PROMISE MY LIFE ON YOU! Anyway since its almost school time, Im gonna try posting 2 times a day... maybe idk?~ LynLyn

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