Chapter 42

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Natsu POV

Daisuke punched me in the face, but didnt hurt that much because he's such a weakling. When he punched me I grabbed his hands, twisted them, and pushed him down.

"What the hail was that?! You ruined our moment! You little-" He started but I quickly cut him off.

"I just saved your almost girlfriend's life! BE THANKFUL!" I yelled as he took a step back.

"I-I How?" he questioned.

Hanji was sitting there blushing but also worried. She didnt look to good. The serum in her makes her whole body numb for another 5 hours.

"Well Hanji is allergic to bee stings... And that pretty much explains everything. Some people know including me" I said as I looked at Hanji.

"Why didn't you tell me, Hanji? I-I thought that-" Daisuke said.
"I just- I well- I mean... Can we talk about this another time?" Hanji asked softly.

"No! I want to know now! Why didn't you tell me? Why him? Why does it always have to be him?!" he started to yell.
"I, because... I don't know" Hanji sighed.
"Fine be like that! Go be with him, you obviously want him more than me" he rolled his eyes and started to walk away.
"That's not true Dai!" she yelled but he didn't stop, he kept going.

Tears started to fill her eyes and was trying to wipe it off but her being numb, I wiped it for her. I carried her as we went back to our dorms. I opened the door then closed it behind me. Hanji was still in my arms and I put her in her bed.

I looked at my shirt and it was drenched with tears from Hanji. I groaned and went to change my shirt. I took a quick shower and fixed my hair a bit. I called some place that had Chinese food becuase Hanji loved eating it. I was shirtless and then I heard Hanji call my name.

I went to her room.

"Natsuuuuuu!!!!!" she winned.
"Yes?" I asked awaiting her answer.
"Did you buy?-" I cut her off.
"Yeah, chinese food... The usual" I smiled.
She closed her eyes and sighed with relief.
"Natsu?" she asked again.
"Yeah?" -me
"Im hot, can you take off some clothes and get me new ones?" she asked and I blushed.
"Y-yeah but w-why?!" I asked.
"Cause I cant move and why not, we've both seen each other without clothes on" she laughed. I laughed along becuase we act like brother and sister, I just felt like someone was listening in on us for some reason.

I got her a loose shirt I let her borrow a few months ago... She kept it. It was a long red v-neck shirt. I went to her and she was staring at the ceiling. I took off her shirt and she was sweating... Alot.

"Why does everything bad happen to me?" she asked out of no where. I got her a wet towel and wiped her sweat off not feeling the least bit pervy.

"You have everything bad happening to you becuase the world wants to save the happiest moment of your life the last" I said, I carefully wipped the sweat off her forehead.

"Yeah... Maybe you too" she closed her eyes and sighed.

I heard a knock on the door. I went up to the door to see Levy in her little orange dress. Her eyes widened and she blushed then turned to me wait a death glare.

"What? And welcome back!" I said waving my hands im the air.
"PUT A SHIRT ON!" she yelled. I looked down to see I forgot tp put on a shirt. I ran quickly to my room and grabbed a random plain blue shirt.

"What were you doing in Hanji's room?! Shirtless?! And taking off her clothes?!" she said pushing her way into my dorm.

"HANJI... YELL WHERE ARE YOU?" Levy yelled. I covered her mouth and motioned her not to say anything. I guided her to her bedroom and she looked up and saw Levy and I walked in. She smiled.

"Hey Lev, I just got my heart broken today" she said fake smiling.
"What?! NATS-" I cut her off.
"It was Daisuke"

We told Levy the whole story and how the shirtless thing and numb thing and after an 1 hr of explaining we finally finished.

"Well we still gotta change Hanji" I said about to shoo her away.
"Yeah no, I'll help her perv" she mumbled the last part.

I walked out and got some water to drink after a good 5 minutes, Levy came out. I smiled.

"Please tell me you changed your mind" she asked. I shook my head no.
"Well listen... Lucy came back... She's here in Magnolia" Levy said.

My eyes widened. Lucy.


Hope yall like it! Thanks for reading this booookkkkkk luuubbbbsssss yaaaaa~LynLyn

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