Chapter 32

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Lucy POV

1 year later

"It's official!" Me and Zeref yelled smiling pretending to be happy for the people's sake.

"If you have questions we will answer them now..." Zeref said as his smile turned into an emotionless one.

"Yes..." I said pointing to a lady.
"When is the wedding?!" she said.
"Maybe next year"
"Your book that was released last year... The dragons wrath?... how do you get the inspiring ideas?" A blue haired girl said. I thought she looked familiar for a sec... but nahhhh!

"Past experience, It's better for me to write out my feelings so any book you read of mine it has a little bit of my life story in it too" I smiled at her.

"Mr. Zeref? What Is going to happen to your company after you marry this fine lady" asked a guy.

"It'll stay the same" Zeref shrugged.

This guy cannot act can he?!

Anyway more questions piled up an after like an hour of answering them we finally left.

"Ughhh! Finally! We're done!" I yell.
"Haha yea... wait don't you have a photo shoot at 12 in the afternoon? It's 10 til 12" Zeref said. My eyes widened.

"Sugarrrrr!!!!!! I forgot! Hurry let's go!" I said pulling him as we ran. We got to the building that they were holding the photo shoot.

I ran in and saw the person to take the picture of me. I ten see the person in charge and we found out we were childhood friends! Fate! Or whatever!

"Jason! I'm here!" I panted.
"Oh your an hour early! Cooollll!!!!" My eyes widened then turned into a scowl. I slowly turned my head to Zeref and he chuckled.

"Oops I read the time wrong..." he said turning away laughing to his heart content.

"I. WILL. KILL. YOU" I started running after him. In 2 seconds he was on the ground yelling for help. I tackled him on the buildings lobby.

"Help! Someone! This women of mine is crazy" He said laughing.

"Oh no you don't!" I punched him in the stomach.

"I ran all this way for nothing!" I said I was about to punch him in the face until he grabbed my wrist. I was on top while he was lying on the floor.

We were inches away from each others lips. And also yes we do our fun romantic moments but we never actually kissed unless forced to on public.

"Kiss! kiss! kiss!" the people in the building chanted.

I looked at him and he shrugged so I sighed we both came closer until...

"LULU!!!! COME ON! We shou- oh my! did I ruin something?! Cooolllll!!!!!!!" Jason shouted. I turned around and instead him kissing me on the lips, it was the cheek.

We stayed in that position for 3 or 5 seconds but between that frozen moment, Jason took a picture before we could move.

I got off the ground and removed the dust that was on my skinny jeans. I helped Zeref get up.

"Sorry!" Jason apologized.
"It's fine" we said.
"Anyway the people want, not just you LuLu! but Zeref too! isn't that exciting!" I laughed so hard.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Zeref! A MODEL! HAHAHHAHAHA!!!" I tripped over a carpet and I fell on the couch.

"HAHAHAHAHA! At least I can walk straight!" Zeref said.

We had a stare down for at least a minute.

"Well... coooollll! time to get to the photo shoot LuLu! And ZeZe!"

"What the?!-" I cut Zeref off.
"Let it be... ZeZe" I giggled at the end.

1 hour of non-stop pictures

I am really annoyed because its gonna take another half hour just to get Zeref to do the right pose.

"Zeref just put your hands on your hips! Not that hard!" I whined.

"Tch" was all I heard from him.

"You know what! It's fine lets just do a kiss photo ten we're done! cool?" We both nodded our head.

"ZeZe! Put your hands around LuLu's waist... LuLu put your hands around his neck while your fingers play with his hair" Ewww!!! So descriptive!

I put my hands around his neck as I kind of played with hair. He's really warm... someone... somebody... it's like... NATSU!

Third POV
"Pull her waist closer Z-" Jason started
"Don't call me that!" Zeref said.

Zeref pulled her closer and both looked deep into each others eyes. Zeref didn't expect that. Lucy was still thinking Zeref was Natsu.

"Now all I need you Guys to do is-"

Lucy smashed her lips against Zeref. Zerefs eyes widened in shock.

Zeref pushed her away.

"Lucy?! Are you okay?!" Zeref shook her and Lucy blinked.

"N-Natsu?" Lucy said. That was the first time she ever said that name.

"What? no! Lucy snap out of it!" Zeref said.

"I-I... Natsu" she kept on stuttering and her eyes became watery.

"No Lucy! It's Zeref!" Zeref said trying to calm her down and get some since into her.


Ok done! Bam!!! This is sorta a ZerLu chapter but... I added Nalu a lol bit BUT PROMISE THAT IT WILL BE A NALU!!! ok lubbbssss yaaa!~LynLyn

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