Chapter 7;(

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Lucy POV

I began to tell them the whole story of how I change my appearance and why and after I told them they had shocked faces.

"So, your Lucy Heartfillia? As in richest company in the whole word?!" Jellal said.

"Yup" I said popping the 'P'.

"So... use Layla in school and Lucy anywhere else..." Erza began.

I nodded in agreement.

"But if I have the yellow red eyes with brown hair always call me Layla and if I'm in my regular self call me Lucy" I said making sure they understood.

"That's what we just said!" Gajeel said laughing.

"But! today! earlier I was at the park and saw Natsu, in my regular self and we had a nice talk but when he asked for my name I didn't want to say Layla... cause you know why and I didn't want him to know the Lucy Heartfillia thing so I said Angel." I said smiling seeing how they would react.

They just laughed. I shot them a confused look.

"Well, Lucy that's gonna be a little hard" Gray said.

"What you mean? I can handle it!" I say back.

"No with Natsu, he's gonna be mad if you lied to him" he replied.

I blushed darker than Erza's hair.

"Nani?! What do you mean?!" I said flustered.

"Cause remember the first time you meet Natsu? The bracelet thing?" he said.

I shake my head yes.

"Well, he has been talking about you ever since" Gajeel jumped in.

"He asked what your name was sooooo and even begged me!" Levy said joining in.

I blushed more and turned around hiding it. Gray put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll protect you if he hurts you" Gray said as I giggle.

"Hey! stop! Gray~sama you're suppose to say that to me!" Juvia yelled.

"Well... anyway while we had our talk at the park, he explained why he always flirts with other girls and I gotta tell ya, it was pretty deep." I said getting sleepy.

"OoooOooooO, Lucy! You're the only person that made him open up." Mira said smiling.

"Huh?" was all I could say.

"Well he never tells anyone anything only the people he trusts completely and he rarely opens up to a person he meet... kinda? well point is he trusts you" Mira replied.

They all shake their heads. I really did that? he really trusts me? ekkkk!!! wait... no... yes... no... yes?

While my mind was arguing, Mira suggested playing truth or dare.

(A/n whenever fairy tail fanfics have a sleepover... they always do truth or dare so imma do it too. hehe)

"Soooo who's first?" Erza asked as she sat next to Jellal on the floor.

"Juvia will ask the question" Juvia said.

"Gray~sama! Truth or Dare!" she practically yelled in his ear.

"Ummm truth?" he said as his answer.

"Why do you and Lucy seem... close are you guys... dating?!" she said almost tearing up.

"What!? No! Look she just looks and acts like my friend before... she died, I feel I'm like her older brother... so I feel like I have to protect her or keep her happy and plus Lucy might be dating Natsu sooner or later" he said to everyone.

I blush when he said the last part. I playful punch him and then it was Gray's turn.

"Um Mira, truth or dare?" he said as Juvia was clinging on to his arm.

"Truth" she simply said.

"Who gave you those hickey marks?" he said smirking.

"... Laxus" she said smiling a little bit.

Everyone laughed and wiggled their eyebrows and saying Miraxus!

"Ok... Erza! Truth or dare!" Mira said as a dark aura formed around her.

"Dare!" she said with confidence.

"I dare you to... kiss the person you like in this room" she said smirking evilly. that's when I realized she was the devil at love!

"Ummm..." Erza got deep red and was literally having a heart attack.

She kept stuttering.

"Wow, we've never seen Erza like this!" Levy said giggling.

"Yeah... what should we do?" Laxus said. Then...

Jellal cupped her face and kissed her on the lips. Both were making out for a whole 30 seconds!

They pulled away. Both flushed with embarrassment and lovvveeeee!

"Why? how did you know it was going to be you?" Erza said looking at him still red.

"We've liked each other since we were kids, plus I'm gorgeous to you" Jellal said winking. Erza blushed more.

"Ok so umm Levy, truth or dare?" she said.

"Dare!" she said feeling really confident.

"I dare you to hug the person you like or lovveeee most!" she said as a smirk grew on her face.

We all laughed except for Gajeel. She gulped and stood up and went towards me. she hugged me and I hugged back.

"Haha Erza, didn't expect that! Of course me and Lucy have been best friends God knows when!" she said sticking her tongue out.

Erza rolled her eyes then Levy looked at me.

"Truth or dare?! Lu~chan!" Lev said

"Dare" I gulped.


Lol thanks for reading! lubs y'all!~LynLyn

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