Chapter Five

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Anamaleth's POV

It has been a few days since his death, yet my grief has not lessened, if anything it is worse. I help when I am needed and prepare myself for battle as much as possible, but I do not sleep. To sleep would be to torture myself with dreams of his return. I have often thought of going out to meet my impending doom, who would stop me? Then I think about what he would want, what he would be doing if he was here, and I realize I could never intentionally go on a suicide mission. He would want so much more for me.

I live day by day, at least I try to. Whenever I think that maybe in the future it will be better, I think of years upon years without him. I try to keep myself in check, never delude myself into thinking I can still feel him alive, never think about more than a few hours ahead and never fall asleep.

I was leaning against one of the pillars outside the kings room, not being able to be around him and the war plans for a second longer. I heard, "Lass do I have a surprise for you!"

I turned to find Gimili and the one person I never thought I'd see again, Legolas. He walked towards me but I held a shaky hand up, "When did I fall asleep? I've been so careful not to let myself so I would not dream of this again."

"Anameleth, you are not dreaming." He told me, now standing in front of me, my hand firmly on his chest to stop him from coming closer.

"Then why is it like every other dream? You come back, you walk towards me, you hug me and then go plan with Aragorn. You treat me like a friend as you always do." I told him, the last part almost sounding bitter, to even my ears.

"You are not dreaming." He insisted.

"Yes I am. My mind is playing tricks on me so the void I felt when I found out you were dead will be filled, if only for a short time. Then my suffering when I awake will be twice as strong."

"Anameleth, I swear you are not dreaming, just let me show you so." He told me, putting a hand over mine on his chest.

I hesitated for a mere second before relaxing my stiff arm and letting him grasp my hand in his. I asked quietly close to tears, "Is it really you?"

"Of course it is." He told me. He pulled me forward and embraced me strongly. His arms around me making me feel whole and safe again. My head rested against his chest where I could hear his strong heart beat that seemed to always make everything bad disappear.

He pulled back from me and wiped away my tears carefully. I almost smiled as I said, "Even though when I wake up my life will be Hell, this is worth it."

"I am really here and I was always alive. I wont leave you again." He whispered moving closer to me. I felt my back hit the wall again and I could see him moving closer to me still. I tilted my head for my lips to meet his. One of his hands slid down to rest at my waist while the other was on my neck. Both of my hands were on his shoulders. His soft lips moved perfectly against mine and he pulled back saying firmly, "I will not leave you again."

I smiled, for the first time in days, and tears of happiness filled my eyes. I said, "I know you wont."

I pulled him back down to me and we kissed again. This one was less sweet and a little more of a god-I-missed-you, kind of thing. When we both ran out of breath Legolas pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. I heard Gimili say, "See Aragorn, I told you they were cozy!"

"And I agreed." I heard Aragorn say.

I lifted a hand from his shoulder and gently ran the back of my hand over his cheek, "When I thought you were dead, it was like a part of myself had been taken from me. I curled into a ball and wouldn't move for the rest of the way to Helm's Deep. If it hadn't been for Éowyn, I would've given into my grief long ago."

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