Chapter Seven

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Anameleth's POV

"Welcome my Lords to Isenagaurd!"

"You young Rascals! Now we find you feasting a- and smoking!" Gimili called.

"We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well earned comforts. The salty pork is particularly good." He finished.

"Salty pork?"

"We're under orders from Treebread, who's taken over management of Isengaurd."

I hopped down from my horse and said, "Well, if this isn't a surprise I don't know what is."

Mary hopped down from the rock and ran over, hugging me. Pippin asked, "Anameleth what are you doing here?"

I smiled at him and said, "Oh you know, the usual."

"Well I can see that." He said, finally getting up and hugging me after Mary let me go.

I knelt down and set a hand on each of their shoulders and said, "Now, I have a very serious question."

"What is it?" Pippin asked.

I looked between them both seriously for a minute before asking, "Got any salty pork left?"

They both smiled and Mary said, "For you there just might be."

I smiled and pulled them both to me, "Damn you guys scared me."

"Sorry about that." They both chorused.

I released them and stood, wiping my eyes quickly and saying, "Never mind that, let's just get going."

I climbed on my horse and, after they got everything together, I helped Mary up behind me. Pippin was behind Aragorn and we started riding into the once horrible place. Apparently Saron was locked up in his tower and was staying there.

After Pippin found some weird sphere we rode off towards Helm's Deep again. We joined in the celebration and everyone grabbed drinks quickly, though I did not. I never was one for drinking and tonight would be no different. I watched Pippin and Mary have a good time dancing on the tables.

I scanned the room but did not find Legolas or Aragorn. I felt for Legolas and found he was outside. I walked out there quickly and found Aragorn with him. "Legolas, come on. Come have fun."

"Anameleth, I am not sure-"

"Come now, I know what's happening but I wont let it spoil tonight and neither should you." I told him, grabbing his hand and pulling him with me. I pulled him inside and we sat down at a small table and he sipped a cup of spirits.

He asked, "Anameleth, how long has it been since you last slept?"

I sighed, knowing this was coming sooner or later, "Since I came and found you before we left to Helm's Deep."

"You should sleep." He told me.

"I do not wish to have nightmares more than I have to." I told him quietly. I stood and held a hand out to him, "Dance with me?"

He stood and said, "You should not change the subject."

"For one night we can celebrate, who know's when we will be able to again, so let's enjoy it." I told him.

"Alright." He told me. He sat back down and pulled on my hand unexpectedly. I fell backwards into him, but he was expecting that. He caught me easily and sat me on his knee. "Then let us enjoy it."

I smiled a little and leaned back against him, resting my head right above his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the sound.


Legolas's POV

Gandalf finished, "And I wont be going alone."

I felt something deep inside of me, a small darkness began to grow. Only seconds later I realized that it was not me the darkness was growing in. "Anameleth!" I gasped as I ran from the room, straight to where I left her. You should not have left her in the first place!

I ran into the room and it took only seconds to find her shaking body wrapped in the blankets. I knelt down beside her, unwrapping the blankets before shaking her awake. She lay there eyes wide with tears staring up at me before asking, "L-Legolas?"

Before I could even respond she had sat up, hugged me and buried her face into my neck. I lifted her easily into my lap and rocked her gently. "What was it about?"

It was a while before she answered me, crying, "Y-you were gone again, but you did not come back. I roamed the world for years in pain before I f-faded."

I hugged her to me tightly and said, "That will never happen."

She just clung to me tighter and cried. I heard, "Anameleth? Would you like a drink?"

I looked towards the voice and asked Pippin, "If you could get her some water....?"

"Promise me." She whispered shakily.


"I-I know I just-" She cut off and clung to me tighter.

"Anameleth I promise you that I will never leave you permanently." I told her solidly. After a pause I asked her, "What did you dream of before that?"

"Of when the people chasing me found me and killed me, I floated in darkness for what seemed to be years though instead of appearing here." She told me, the hysteria disappearing from her voice by the minute.

Pippin handed me the glass of water and for the first time I realized that everyone from the Fellowship had followed me, I had been too focused on Anameleth to notice before. I nodded a quick thanks to Pippin and said, "Anameleth."

She lifted her head to take the glass from me and drained half of it before handing it back. She watched as I set the glass on the floor a little bit away from us. After I returned my arm around her she shifted slightly and said quietly, "Don't leave."

"I wont." She rested her head over my chest like she has done so many times before. I asked, "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" I tapped my chest next to her head so she'd understand and she explained, "Your heartbeat. It's strong and steady, hearing it calms me."

"Come, everything here is under control." Gandalf's voice sounded softly.

I heard footsteps heading out, but my main priority was Anameleth. "You should go back to sleep. I'll stay with you the whole time."

"No, I will not have that nightmare again." She said stubbornly shaking her head.

"I will stay with you the whole time. I'll help you when you awaken and then we can go find out what's going on with the fellowship." I paused when she started shaking her head. I added, "Please Anameleth? You need to sleep, do it for me if not for yourself."

She stared up at me and I looked back, raising a hand to run he back of it softly against her cheek, "Please?"

She sighed and nodded. She rested her head against my chest and closed her eyes. I looked down at her face for a little while before just watching her sleep as a whole.

Where I truly Belong (Short Legolas Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now