Chapter Fourteen

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Anameleth's POV

Legolas closed the door behind us and instantly wrapped an arm around my waist while mine naturally found his. I said, "I think you were a little off when you said noon."

"I said until noon, just because it's a little past what I expected doesn't mean I was wrong." He told me, turning slightly to kiss the top of my head.

"A little? It's almost five!" I said smiling at him.

He smiled back and said, "Just in time to grab dinner with our friends."

"You think they're at the usual table?" I asked.

"More than likely." He answered.

I nodded and let him lead me there. It wasn't too long until we were outside and walking towards the usual table that was full of food with everyone sitting around it and laughing. Legolas and I sat down easily on the same bench Aragorn and Gandalf across from all the hobbits and Gimili. I sat down next to Aragorn and Legolas took the end.

I smiled a greeting to everyone and the conversation continued. Legolas pulled me closer to his side and I couldn't help but smile. I looked around the table for something to eat and found a bowl of strawberries. I asked Frodo to hand them to me and he did so before going back to talking to Sam.

I plucked one from the bowl easily and started to eat it only for it to be taken from me. I looked at Legolas who was currently holding my strawberry hostage. I fake pouted for a second saying, "Meanie."

He smiled and I couldn't keep it up, I smiled back. I took the strawberry out of his hand and took a bite, loving the taste. It's been forever since I've had strawberries. I took another one from the bowl and turned to Legolas, holding it close to his mouth. I said, "You have to try one, they're so good."

He smiled and shook his head slightly before taking a bite. My smile widened when I saw his expression, he so was thinking the same thing I did. I finished off his strawberry and put the green part on my plate. I asked, "Good right?"

He nodded slightly saying, "Very."

I laughed a little and grabbed another strawberry, only to have it taken from me again. I looked at Legolas with a raised eyebrow, but he only smiled and held the strawberry close to my mouth saying, "My turn."

I smiled and easily took a bite, him finishing it off. He put the green part on my plate and took a drink of water. When he sat the glass down, he easily pulled me into his side. I gladly rested my head on his shoulder and let my eyes close for a moment.

I suddenly heard Aragorn, "Congratulations you two."

I opened my eyes and looked over at him, seeing his knowing smile. I smiled easily and said, "Thanks."

I heard the Hobbits start to whisper, asking each other what he was talking about. Gimili asked, "Aragorn? What are you talking about?"

Legolas's arm tightened around me and he said, "I think I should answer that."

I said, "Oh really? You sure you aren't going to make me answer when you clam up?"

Legolas looked down at me playfully, "Oh? So what about last night?"

I blushed and buried my head in his shoulder, hearing his laugh ring in the almost silence. Last night I may have momentarily froze on our first time, only for a few seconds though and it's not like it happened again.

"Is anyone going to actually tell us?" I heard Mary ask.

I felt Legolas nod and then he said, "To Elven standards, Anameleth and I are married."

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