Chapter Nine

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Anamaleth's POV

Legolas and I were standing in the throne room leaning up against a pillar, when Aragorn ran into the room yelling, "The beacons are lit! The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid."

We all looked towards King Theoden, truthfully I was waiting for him to reject Gondor's call. With everything that's been going on, I just assumed he would. So he surprised me when he said, "And Rohan will answer."


It wasn't long before we were riding out. I had my normal clothes, my mothers bow and quiver, all of my knives and daggers have been returned to their sheaths, and my sword was now accompanied by another, courtesy of Haldiar. He had given it to Legolas and told him to give it to me when I most needed it. The blade was of elven make, balanced perfectly and all in all a beautiful sword, it made a fine addition.

I rode alongside Legolas, not willing to be any further from him or the Fellowship. The ride seemed to be long and hard, but it was nothing compared to what we've been through already, nothing we can handle.

It seems like days before reached our destination, and yet I knew it was only mere hours. We spent our time wisely, tacking our horses, saving our strength and preparing our weapons. Yet again, I did not stray from Legolas and Gimili side, yet I knew not to turn to Legolas like I had in the past. I knew this was a fight that I could not rely on his comfort, I knew I could not expect his help.

Many of the riders here are already saying that I did not belong, that a woman should not be here. In the back of my mind I know I will prove them wrong, but I did not want to give them another reason to talk. If I seek comfort now, what kind of warrior would I be? I would be seen as one of the women left home shaking and crying because they might not see their husbands or children again.

I tried to listen Legolas and Gimili talk to someone, yet I cannot focus. I could feel the horses nervousness, almost as if it were the men's. The dark looming overhead was something no one could deny they felt. It put everyone on edge, just enough to be almost dangerous. The men and horses were going to be restless, ready to charge into a fight that they have no idea what the running into.

Legolas turned, grabbing my arm and drawing my attention to him. He asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a little tense." I assured him.

Gimili walked by, grabbing Aragorn, Legolas and I to find some food. We ate in silence, the dark overhead affecting us just as it did everyone else. Even after we were done, we sat around the fire in silence. Legolas kept my hand in his, and I could not bring myself to pull away.

Soon Gimili left, Aragorn as well. Legolas and I stayed though, sitting close together and staring in the fire like it would change something. I was hoping that maybe if I just close my eyes and reopened them, that maybe we would be somewhere different.


Soon I rode upon the horse Legolas was leading, I had the reins for a horse for Gimili in my hands pulling it alongside us. Gimili stopped Aragorn and we pulled up beside him. Gimili said, "Have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of dwarves?"

"And you can never forget just how stubborn women can be." I added smiling.

Legolas looked up at me smiling and said, "No, I'm fairly sure that's just you."

I raised an eyebrow at him and said, "Well then aren't you lucky."

Gimili gawfed and said "Might as well accept it, were going with ye ladee."

Legolas rode behind me this time so he can help Gimili with the reins of his horse. I followed behind Aragorn quietly, when the horse made a noise I leaned down and whispered in his ear soothing words, patting his neck softly.

The ride in the pass was quiet and eerie, only after the sun came up did anyone speak.

Gimili spoke first, "What kind of army would stay in this place?"

Legolas answered, "One that is cursed. Long ago the men of the mountain swore an oath to the last King of Gondor, to come to his aid to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so he cursed them, never to rest until they fill their oath."

We came upon what seemed to be a doorway, everyone else dismounted easily, I stayed on the horse per Legolas's wishes. Gimili whispered, "The very warmth of my blood seems to be stolen away."

"The way is shut, it was made by those who were dead. And the dead keep it. The way is shut." Legolas read.

There seemed to be a gust of wind, but it was not the wind. The horses reared and turned to run. When the horse reared, it threw me from its back. I landed flat on my back but rolled away quickly, not wanting to give him the chance to do any more damage.

Aragorn called out to his horse, but he was long gone. I stood up slowly with Legolas's help. I stood straight and twisted my back sharply, causing a few loud cracks to omit from it. I twisted the other way, hearing the same results. I sighed and rubbed my back with my hands, "Fuck, that's gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow."

I stood up straight stretching my hands above my head, waving off the groups concerned looks. I asked cheerily, "So are we going in?"

Aragorn nodded and said, "Come, I do not fear death."

Aragorn walked inside quickly, not looking back once. Legolas grabbed my hand and pulled us inside next. First I saw nothing, then my eyes adjusted. We were inside the cave.

Aragorn found the torch quickly and lit it easily. We followed him until the gate, at least that's what looked like. I kind of just marveled at the underground city while Aragorn got their allegiance, come on that city is gorgeous! You can't really blame me.

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