Chapter Eight

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Anameleth's POV

I woke up and snapped my eyes open instantly. I found myself in Legolas's lap with my head on his shoulder looking up at him. The first thing I noticed was that he was asleep, he probably nodded off a little while ago. The second was his strong arms were wrapped around me keeping me in place, but they did much more than that. His arms around me made me feel safe, protected, like nothing could hurt me.

He looked so peaceful sleeping, so relaxed. I couldn't help but let my eyes trace his features, he just looked so angelic. I raised a hand from where it rested on his chest and ran the back softly over his cheek, causing his eyes to flutter open though I didn't notice. The whisper slipped from me without permission, "Ainu." (Angelic spirit)

"What?" He asked, tightening his hold on me fractionally.

"Ainu." I repeated.

He smiled slightly and said, "I do not compare to you." Before I had the chance to respond he asked, "Why did you not wake me when you did?"

"I saw no reason, I had no nightmare." I told him. "Besides I haven't been up for long, maybe a few minutes at the most."

He nodded and said, "Aragorn came earlier and said Gandalf and Pippin rode out to Gondor."

"Wait, how long have I been asleep?" I asked confused.

He smiled small and said, "Just a little while, but Gandalf planned to go to Gondor before I came to wake you."

"Oh, okay. I almost thought I'd been out for a few days." I said relived.

Legolas added quietly, "It's quite a while until we plan to see them again."

"Come now, let us not dwell on what we cannot change." I said, somehow gracefully standing from his lap without hurting either of us. "Think we could find some breakfast around here?"

Legolas stood next to me and said, "I'm sure we could go to the kitchen and find something."

I nodded and motioned Legolas to go. He took my hand in his and pulled me along beside him. It wasn't long until we were outside sitting in a field eating a few slices of bread. We had been in silence almost the whole time, it was comfortable silence though. Neither one of us felt obligated to fill the silence and neither of us felt that we couldn't break the silence.

Legolas looked over at me and asked, "What did you do in the time after you left Rivendell?"

"'left' is a very loose term." I muttered. I sighed and said, "Alot actually. I used the map you gave me and traveled all over the place. From the Shire to Gondor to the mines of Moria, everywhere. After a while though I grew bored with moving from place to place constantly, though when I went with Gandalf it was never boring, so I started spending a few days in a place, maybe a week here or there.

"I stayed with Mary and Pippin for almost two months though, they were just so much fun. After I left them I went to Mirkwood. Unfortunately I didn't find what I was looking for so I went back to wondering. Of course I still looked, but it was like I was searching for a needle in a hay stack."

Legolas nodded, taking in the information. I continued, "Mirkwood is a beautiful place as long as you stay away from the woods. I found it quiet enjoyable to roam. Of course your father didn't know I was there, I made sure of it. It just seemed like it would be weird to ask your father if I could get supplies and maybe stay a few nights. Once I knew I wouldn't find what I was looking for though, I left as quickly as possible. It's truly is a magnificent place, but when I'm inside for too long I feel....trapped almost."

"I understand, I thought the same when I lived there. I left with every opportunity that I could." He told me. "What were you looking for though?"

I turned to look at him, turning my whole body as well. I smiled and said, "Well, you see, the thing I was looking for was very rare. There's only one in the whole world in fact."

Where I truly Belong (Short Legolas Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now