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So sorry I didn't get this up sooner. I'm such a piece of sh*t...
I should note, this will be based off the first season of Free. Basically, this will be like the anime, just with your own 'side story'(?) in it. If people actually like this story, I'll for sure do a second book based off season two if you guys want (But that won't be for awhile).

Also, this will consists of flashbacks. I'll let you know when they come up.

Totally off topic but, I'm like so obsessed with the song Splash Free (ending theme). Like, I know every single lyric... I wish they had it on iTunes but, they don't -_- However, the first two openings are on iTunes so, it's not all bad. Okay... Sorry...

I'm done. Enjoy!


~Ever since I was little, I loved the water; swimming more specifically. I loved the way it felt on my skin; the way it made me feel in my heart, my soul...

But now, everything has changed...

(Age: Twelve)

I step one foot on the starting block, carefully climbing on. I didn't pay attention to the eyes staring at me, I only cared about the water. With one swift jump, I dive into the water. I let it embrace me as I dive deeper in. I pop my head above the surface and began to swim. Freestyle is my best stroke and luckily, my favorite. I just get so absorbed into it... I was so lost, I almost didn't even realize the boy swimming in the lane next to me. Almost instantly, he swam ahead of me by a few inches. I respond by going faster...

I don't know if the boy noticed me or not but, I feel like I'm having a little race with him. Unfortunately for me though, he's winning. Eventually, we both make it to the end of the lane; the boy getting there a few seconds before me. Since I'm new to Iwatobi, I'm not too familiar with anyone, let alone their names. I don't even go to the local elementary school because, I'm homeschooled. I don't really have the opportunity to interact with other kids so, this swim club is my only chance. My parents got a temporary job here so, it not like it matters anyway.

"Wow! You swim pretty fast." I exclaim, taking off my googles. The boy responds by taking of his own googles and swim cap, shaking his black damp hair in the process. He turns to glance at me. "I'm guessing you're into relays?" I question, tilting my head. He's so fast, I wouldn't doubt it. He gives me a sour look before answering.

"No." He mumbles, as if being in a relay is the worst thing in the world. "I only swim free..." The nameless boy then quickly puts back on his cap and goggles, diving back in the water. I watch him swim, pretty dumbfounded at his short cut answer and bluntness.

"That's Haruka for you." A gentle voice says. I look up to see another boy with olive-colored hair. He looks back down at me, a smile on his face. "You're new, right?" He asks as I quickly get out of the pool.

"Yeah, I am." I answer with a head nod. All of sudden, a boy with blonde hair pops in front of me.

"You're a pretty good swimmer!" He exclaims, intruding my personal space. I take a step back.

"Thanks..." I shyly mumble, a bit flustered at his compliment. He must've been watching me swim. How embarrassing... I never really consider myself a 'good swimmer.' As a matter of fact, I don't even really like competitive swimming. I just like doing it.

"So, what's your name?" He asks, his fuchsia pink eyes stare into my (e/c) ones.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I reply. I find a small smile form on my face.

"I'm Nagisa Hazuki!" He chirps. Wow, he's very energetic. I glance at the other boy, waiting for his name to be told.

"And I'm Makoto Tachibana." He answers, as if he read my mind. I glance back at the pool where, the first boy I met was swimming.

"And that's..." I trail off, not remembering his name.

"Haruka Nanase." Nagisa answers, looking at him too. Makoto did the same. I focus on Haruka's swimming. It's so, mesmerizing.

"He swims like a dolphin..." I comment, not taking my eyes off him.

"Yeah, he gets that a lot." Makoto explains, stepping closer. The more I watch, the more I wanted to get to this boy...

Luckily, I did...

*End Of Flash Back*

Wow, I haven't thought of those guys in forever... I met Rin later on but, I wasn't as close to him like I was with the others... Nagisa, Makoto, and Haru were my first friends in Iwatobi. Funny, I only knew them for a year or so but, they all had such a big impact on my life.

I move to the states due to my parents constant change of jobs. Before, moving never really bothered me... However, when I moved out of Japan, it was so hard...  I had to leave my friends and unknowingly at the time, swimming behind...

I glance out the plane window, seeing the blue sky. Four years later and I'm moving back to Japan. Back to Iwatobi. Back to my friends.

I wonder if they remember me...?


Once again, I'm sorry I didn't get this up any sooner. 💔

Yeah, this kind of sucked but, it'll get better (hopefully)!

I have a question for you guys...

Has anyone seen the anime Diabolik Lovers? I'm currently watching it. I don't how I feel about it... Should I continue to watch it? I'm on episode 3 so... Does it get better?

Okay enough of my rambling. I bet people don't even read these authors notes anyway...

Thanks so much for reading!

-xcutiepiexx ❤️

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