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"(Y/N)." A voice says, echoing in my head. I turn and see Makoto.

"Makoto." I say, the words slipping out automatically. I stare in his beautiful forest green eyes, getting lost in them. His hand slowly reaches out and brushes my (h/c) hair out of my face in one swift move. His hand migrates to the back of my neck.

"I love you." He says so naturally like he has said it to me a million times. I smile.

"I love you, too." Makoto pushes my head closer to his. Before our lips could touch, someone gently grabs my wrist.

"No, mine." A monotone voice whispers in my ears, causing shivers to go down my spine. The person spins me around. I see Haru. Once again, I smile.

"Haru." I murmur.

"I love you." Before I could say it back, he slams his lips against mine. The kiss was rough and hot, butterflies flutter in my stomach. We then-

My (e/c) eyes shot open as I sit up in my bed, panting a little bit. I feel my face flush red, recalling the dream I just had.... I look over at my night stand and pick up my phone, checking the time.

"Five in the morning? Great..." I mumble to myself... There's no use in sleeping since I have to get up in about 2 hours anyway. I sigh. I glance out the window, seeing the sun barley peaking up over the horizon. A run should wake me up.

*Time Skip*

I ran along the shore of the beach. My eyes scanning the waters. I see a bench in the distance. I shrug and run up to it. Upon getting closer, I notice someone sitting down on it. Oh well, I guess. I ran up and I sat down, a distance between me and the person. My eyes are closed as I let out a few breaths.

"I hope you don't mind that I'm sitting here..." I say, out of breath.

"It's fine." I familiar voice states. I raise a brow and I glance over at the person. My eyes then meet a pair of pretty blue ones.

"H-Haru...?" I say a bit surprised.

"(Y/N)?" He asked, sounding even more surprised.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. I haven't seen Haru since that night I tried to swim...

"I sometimes go out for runs in the morning." He replies, his monotone voice back.

"I love you..."

Those words from my dream echo in my head. Heat rushes to my face. I quickly avoid eye contact from Haru and I look at the ocean.

"What about you?" He asks, scooting closer to me ever so slightly.

"Oh me? I-I just wanted to go out for a run and stuff..." I stutter a bit, still flustered. Why did I have a lovey dovey dream about one of my best friends? That just makes my feelings all the more confusing!

"How are you feeling? Are you still sick?" He asks. With my peripheral vision, I could see that Haru was staring at me, making me feel more awkward...

"Um, no, not anymore. I feel fine, now." I reply, my face finally cooling down.

"Well that's good..." He says, still staring at me. I finally turn my head back to him but, as soon as I do, he looks away. However, he turns his head to me again, staring at me like I was the only person in the world. All of sudden, his hand reaches out. His fingers gently brush through my (h/l) (h/c)... My face blushes a deep red.

Out he pulls out a leaf...

"You had this in your hair...." He says nonchalantly, dropping the leaf carelessly. I frown a bit. And here I thought he was being all romantic... I stop myself. Romantic? Why would I want my best friend to show romantic interest in me...?

Is it because I'm the one who has romantic feelings for him...?

Yeah, right... I can't "like-like", or possibly even love one of my best friends. Of course I love Haru and the others with all my heart but, not romantically... Right?

Plus, it's not like he has feelings for me anyway...

"(Y/N)?" A voice breaks my thoughts. I snap out of my daze and see Haru's blue eyes.

"S-Sorry." I mumble, getting flustered again. Why can Haru and Makoto make me blush this much?!

"I'm gonna go home and take a bath before school. I'll see you later." He says, with a small nod. I nod in reply and in a flash, he walks off, leaving me alone with my confusing thoughts.

*Time Skip*

I hear my phone ring after I finished getting ready for school. I look down at the screen and see Makoto's name flash. Underneath his name is a picture of him and I as children. I swipe answer and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I say, a tiny yawn escapes my lips.

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan. I'm outside your house. Haru wasn't quite ready yet so, I came to pick you up first. Are you ready?" He asks, as sweetly as ever.

"Yup! I'll be down in a sec." I say before hanging up. I race downstairs and walked out the door.

"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Makoto says, smiling brighter than the sun.

"Morning." I reply back. We began to walk back to Haru's house, which luckily for us, it's near mine.

"Do you want to stay here or, come up with me?" Makoto asks once we arrive.

"I'll come up." I reply with a nod. He nods back and we walk into Haru's home. Makoto decides to walk into a room that appears to be a bathroom.... What the heck? I reluctantly follow. There I see sitting in the tub, is Haru.

Why the hell would Makoto just walk in on Haru bathing?! I feel my face blush and I shyly look away.

"Come on, Haru. We're going to be late." Mako says, reaching his hand out to Haru. He lazily reaches out and grabs it. I cover my eyes, scared to look at Haru nude... I slowly, peek my eyes through my fingers. I then see Haru getting out of the tub in his swimsuit....


"Do you always bathe in your swimsuit?" I ask Haru, uncovering my (e/c) eyes, hiding a giggle.

"Yes, he does." Makoto answers for Haru with a sigh. "Get dressed so we can go."

"Okay." Haru says. He reaches over and grabs a blue towel. He proceeds to dry his raven black hair. I tried not to stare at his nice toned body.

But I secretly did anyway....

"I'm gonna wait outside!" I quickly say, really embarrassed.


Sorry that this chapter ended so abruptly. I just wanted to get a chapter out. It's been like a 2 months since I updated so I'm very sorry! I'll get the next chapter out soon (I hope)!

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