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"Please, (Y/N)-chan! It'll be fun!" Nagisa begs to me, his fuchsia eyes sparkling.

"There's no reason for me to go, though..." I point out; a bit sad to disappoint my friend. Currently, Nagisa is trying to convince me to go swimsuit shopping with him and the others. I like how they try to include me but, swimsuit shopping will just make me sad...

"Of course there's a reason!" Nagisa interjects. I raise a brow. "You can see your boyfriends Makoto and Haru try on new swimsuits!"

"W-What?!" I exclaim, blushing heavily. I look behind Nagisa and see the group of others, noticing they didn't hear... Thankfully...

"They're not my boyfriends!" I quietly snap.

"Mhmm." Nagisa hums, clearly not convinced with my answer.

"Nagisa-kun, if (Y/N)-senpai doesn't want to go, we can't force her." Rei states, walking towards us.

"But, I want her to come..." Nagisa says in a sad tone. I look at Haru and Makoto.

"I'd love for your to go but, if you don't want to, that's okay too." Makoto says, giving me his kind smile.

"Do whatever you want..." Haru says quietly but I still heard him. I look back at Nagisa.

"Please!" He says, grabbing my hands and pushing them up to his face. I finally gave in. I smile.

"Okay... Fine..."

*Time Skip*

"Look at this one, (Y/N)-chan!" Nagisa shouts to me, showing me a penguin speedo.

"It's nice..." I say, barely look at the swimsuit. Nagisa nods in agreement and walks off. Leaving me sitting alone as the other boys do their shopping. All of sudden, a presence sits beside me. I look over and see my tall best friend.

"(Y/N)-chan, what's wrong?" Makoto says, his forest green eyes looking at mine with concern.

"I said to drop the chan." I say, avoiding the question. I look at Makoto, he's staring at me so intensely. I sigh. There's no point in lying is there? Makoto can see into me so well... He probably knows me better than I know myself.

"I'm just a bit sad..." I shake my head. "No, I'm jealous... It hurts that I can't go out and actually purchase a swimsuit with you guys. Only if I wasn't a coward, I'd be able to swim... I'd be able to buy a stupid swimsuit. I-"

"(Y/N)." His calm gentle voice interrupts mine. He places his hand over my clenched fist... I didn't even know I was doing that... "It's okay..."

"It's not though..." I murmur.

"Call this a dumb idea but, maybe you can just buy a swimsuit. I consider you part of this team so, you should purchase a swimsuit with us. You don't have to use it and swim but, I think it'll be good for you."

I sit back and think about his idea. I mean, my old swimsuit doesn't really fit my anymore...

"I guess there's no harm in doing that." I say, a small smile on my face. Makoto smiles back.

"There's the (Y/N) I love. Let's go and pick one out for you then." He says, standing up. I stay sitting. Did he say the (Y/N) he loves...? I feel my face heat up. I guess Makoto didn't notice what he said because, he asked me if I was coming. I say yes and follow him to the women's section with butterflies in my stomach.

*A few minutes later*

Mistakenly, we told Nagisa that I was getting a swimsuit... He decides to shove me in a dressing room, forcing me to try on all these swimsuits, and to show them off.

Drowning (Haru x Reader x Makoto) Free!Where stories live. Discover now