Makoto 'Ending'

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Hesitantly, I dialed the specific number. It rings a couple times before he answers.

"Hello?" Makoto questions, probably wondering why I called him this late at night.

"I know this is stupid but, can see each other? I need your help..." I say, praying that he'll say yes.

"Of course, (Y/n)-chan. I'll be over in a few." He complied, making sigh with relief.

"Thank you, so much." I say before hanging up. I then awaited Makoto's arrival. A few minutes later, I hear a small knock on the front door. Grabbing the bag with my swimsuit in it, I walk outside where Makoto was waiting for me.

"What do you need help with? Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly. I nod.

"I-I just need your help to get me to swim again, Makoto. I think it's time for me to get over this fear." I stop and look up at him. Despite it being dark, the moonlight made Makoto's eyes pop into a beautiful forest green color. I can easily get lost in them. "And there's no other person in the world that I'd rather have help me than you." I finally say. Makoto blushes at my cute statement.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, (Y/N)? You don't have to start swimming in one night. You can always ease you're way into it." I shake my head.

"I haven't had this much determination to get back in the water. If I wait, I don't think I'll be able to do it anymore. Now is the only time." I say, a tight smile on my face. Makoto's concerned frown turns into a smile.

"Okay, (Y/N)-chan. I'll help you."

*Time Skip*

Makoto and I finally made our way to the local beach. I take off my shoes and step my feet onto the sand, allowing the mini wave of water to soak my feet.

"I don't have keys to Iwatobi's pool like Haru does so, the beach is our only option. I know that the thing that happened to you overseas, was in the ocean so, please don't get scared. Ill help you. I-" I quickly interrupt Makoto's cute rambling.

"The oceans fine, Makoto. The only thing bad about it right now is probably the temperature and the fact that's it water. It's the only body of water we have access to until morning so, this will have to do." I explain.

"You're right." He chuckles a bit. Quickly, I remember Makoto's fear...

"Wait, aren't you afraid of the ocean?" I ask, feeling bad for putting my own feelings before his.

"It's fine. I'll be okay." He reassures. He takes off his shoes and stands by me.

"Well, I guess I should try it now, huh?" I say with a nervous chuckle. I stripped my clothes and toss them aside, leaving me in my new swimsuit which fits much better than my old one. Makoto does the same. I feel him gently grab my hand.

"Take your time, I'll be with you every step of the way." He says calmly. I take a deep breath and walk out closer into the ocean, Makoto following my steps. The water is now up below my knees. It's not as cold as I thought it'd be. He squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"Okay, I can do this." I say to myself. I walk more and more. The water now to my thighs. Makoto's hand still holding mine. Tightly grabbing it, I close my eyes and I walk more and more. I feel the water, it's up to my chest. I'm fully in the water. I open my eyes.

"You're in the water! I'm so proud of you!" Makoto congratulated me. I almost didn't believe it myself. I glide my fingertips above the surface of the water, enjoying the feeling. Something inside me clicked, all my anxiety about the water is gone. Letting go of his hand, I dip my head in the water, swimming ahead a few feet. I bring my head up, shaking the water.

"I'm more than just in the water, I'm swimming!" I exclaim once Makoto gets by my side again. Without even thinking, I jump up and wrap my arms around Makoto's neck, giving him a tight hug. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, (Y/N)." He says, hugging my back. I release him and give Makoto a side ways glance.

"You know what we should do?" I say, my voice smooth like honey. Makoto kind of jolts at my sudden change in attitude and tone.

"W-What?" He ask, stuttering a bit. I lean in close, my face looking right up at his.

"We should do ... this!" Before he could reply, I splash water in his blushing face. I start to laugh.

This began a very competitive game of splashing each other.

After a couple hours of swimming and such, we finally decide to stop. We pull up on the shore, sitting up a towel along the beach for us to both sit on.

"We should totally get something to eat after this." I laugh. "All that swimming made me hungry."

"Sure thing, (Y/N)." Makoto smiles. We stayed silent, as I watch the moon make a pretty reflection over the water.

"The moon is so beautiful." I point out. "It makes everything else better and prettier too."

"I guess you can relate to the moon then, huh?" Makoto says quietly. I look at him, titling my head.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You're beyond beautiful and you make everything better." He says, blushing. I blush even more.

"Thanks." I smile. Slowly, he puts his hand over mine. He then grabs it tightly. My heart is pounding a mile a minute.

"I have to tell you something." We both end up saying at the same time. I laugh.

"You go first." I say. He shakes his head.

"No, you go." He insists. Without arguing, I continue.

"I just wanted to thank you for all the things you've done for me for the past few days."

"You don't have to thank me, (Nickname). I'm just trying to help you." Makoto says, laughing a bit. I shake my head.

"No, I think I have to thank you. When I first got back, it was so surreal. I didn't think I really belonged anymore. But then I saw you again for the first time since I love been back at the supermarket. Ever since then, each time I see you, I feel like this town is my home again... I feel like you're my home..." I mumble, my face hot like fire. I shake my head. "Sorry for my rambling."

"(Y/N)..." Makoto murmurs. Right now, he's looking into my eyes. I'm so embarrassed, now. He reaches his hand out and he brushes a few strands of hair from my face. "I've wanted to tell you so many times. I've recited it in my head a lot but, whenever I have the chance to tell you, I'm speechless. I wanted to tell you when we were kids, before you left, when you came back... now... But I'm still speechless..."

"Tell me what?" I question, my heart still thumping.

"I love you, (Y/N). I've always had. You're smart, cute, and an amazing person. How can I not?" Makoto confess, making me the speechless one.

"Mako..." I murmur.

Makoto has always been by my side. He's probably the sweetest guys I've ever met. He never fails to make me smile, even through the hard times.

"I love you, too." I finally say. "I love you, Makoto." Carefully, my hands pull Makoto's to mine. I lean in and kiss him. Obviously he kisses back, making me the happiest person alive...


Sorry if that one seemed rush!

This is the end! I really hope that you enjoyed and I hope, you'll read my next story! More info on that in the next chapter!

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