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"Achoo!" I sneeze into my blanket. My heads pounding and I was dripping in a cold sweat.

"Hey, sweetie. You okay?" My dad asks, stepping into my room. I shake my head.

"I feel like crap..." I reply, my voice hoarse.

"Had too much fun with your boyfriend last night?" He questions, raising a brow. Heat rushes to my cheeks. How did he find out?

"N-No..." I mumble back, crossing my arms.

"Sure... Anyway, I'll have mom call the school to let them know you're not going to be there. Will you be okay home alone?"

"Mhmm." I reply, sinking back into my covers. He bends down and kisses my head before leaving me alone. Before I could go back to bed, my phone starts to ring. I lazily pick it up and put it up to my ear.

"Hey, (Y/N)." It was Makoto.

"Oh. Hi, Mako..." I mumble, almost falling asleep.

"Haru and I are about to head over to your house to pick you up. Are you ready?" He asks.

"About that..." I mumble, sitting up. "I'm sick... I'm not going to be in school."

"Are you okay?" He frantically asks, concern fills his voice.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need rest." I mumble back.

"Okay, well, I hope you feel better."

"Thanks. Bye."


I hung up the phone and went to sleep.

*Time skip*

I wake up to my door bell ringing. I grumble as I walk up to the door. I open it and see Makoto.

"Makoto...?" I mumble, tilting my head.

"Hello (Y/N)-chan. I'm sorry to wake you up." He apologizes, scratching the back of his head. I notice that he has a bag of produce in his other hand.

"What're you doing here? Remember I'm sick?" I say and soon after, I cough.

"That's exactly why I came. I notice that your parents are gone and you're here alone so, I hope you don't mind but, I-I'd like to take care of you..." Makoto rambled, the tips of his ears turn a bright red. My already flushed face, heats up even more.

"I-I don't need a babysitter..." I stutter, avoid his forest-like eyes.

"I insist. It's only fair that I return the favor." He states with a chuckle.

"Favor?" I question, trying to figure out what he was getting at.

"Yup! Remember when we were kids and how you took care of me when I had the flu?"

The memory suddenly returns to my head.


"Can Makoto come out, Mrs. Tachibana? (In Japan, I'm not too sure what people refer to their friends parents as (like San or something) so, I'll just do Mrs/Mr). I asks, looking up at the woman. She frowns a bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry (Y/N)-chan. Makoto is sick with the flu." She says, sadness in her voice. Disappointment washes over me.

"I see..." I mumble. Before saying bye and walking away, an idea popped in my head. "Hey, maybe I can help you take care of him? I'm practically immune to all sicknesses so, I won't get the flu! Please! I really want to hang out with Makoto!" I practically beg. Mrs. Tachibana chuckles at my excitement.

"Well, I do have to run to the store to get medicine for him. You can watch him until I return." She gives in. After ruffling my hair, she lets me into her home and leaves. According to her, Mr. Tachibana took the twins out so they don't get sick. I assume Makoto is in his room so, I made my way upstairs. I open his door slowly and see that he is wrapped in a blanket like a cocoon on his bed.

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