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When Kou and I got back to Samezuka, practice was already over. We were too late... Time to head home. 

"There you guys are." I hear Makoto say, with Haru, Rei, and Nagisa following behind him.

"Sorry, I needed some air." I state, smiling a bit.

"That's understandable." Makoto says, smiling reassuringly.

"Where's Rin?" I asks, looking around for the red head.

"He went back to his dorm." Nagisa replies. "I guess him and Nitori-chan had an exam to study for."

"Oh, I see..." I reply in a sad tone. A hand goes on my shoulder. I look and see Kou.

"We'll see him again soon." She reassures. I smile in reply.

*Time skip*

After getting home, I ate and took a long needed nap. I woke up a few hours later, it's almost 8 at night now...

Thoughts kept racing in my mind nonstop. Swimming was so important to me and I let it go like it was nothing at all. I let everyone down. If I didn't stop swimming, I might be just as advance as the others. I would've been able to join their club... To them, I'm just a reminder of someone that had potential to be a great swimmer but, I threw it all away because I'm a coward. Ever since my accident, I felt as if I'm drowning. I feel like I can't breathe.... Before I knew it, I was crying.

I let out a sigh. I look out my window, noting both my mom and dads car are gone. I turn over and reach for my phone on the nightstand. I absentmindedly press some numbers in my phone. I put it up to my ear, hearing the ring.


"Hey, Haru... If you're not busy, can you do me a favor?"

*Time skip again...*

My feet are plant to the ground like a statue as I stared at the blue pool, the smell of the chlorine in the air. My body shiver at my exposed skin.

"(Y/N)... Are you sure you want to do this?" Haru asks, his azure eyes twinkling in the moonlight... A small smile spreads across my face at his concern.

I decide to try swimming again... I asked Haru if he could help me achieve that goal. I would've asked the others but, I feel like Haru would be the right person to do so. Since he inspired me so much to swim back then, maybe he can inspire me not to be afraid anymore. Thankfully, he had keys to get to Iwatobi's swimming pool.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I reply, not even sounding sure. I only had one swimsuit which was from a couple years ago so, it was a little tight, especially in the chest area. However, I have bigger things to worry about.

"Okay..." Haru says, knowing that I'm still second guessing this whole thing. I let out an uneasy sigh as I took a step closer to the pool. All of a sudden, a warm hand interlocks with mine. Haru tightly grasp it. "You don't have to do this."

"I do, though... I have to prove to you guys that-" I was quickly interrupted.

"You don't need to prove anything, (Y/N)." His voice was calm, but very firm too. "Just because you stopped swimming, doesn't mean you stopped being the same person. You're still the (Y/N) I remember from my childhood. You don't need to prove that you're worth it by doing something that scares you."

I was taken back by Haru's kind words. For someone who's so quite, he has such powerful words to say. By this point, tears have leaked from my (e/c) eyes. I let go of his hand and I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you." I whisper. He hugs back. "But, I'm ready for this."

After our quiet embrace, it was time for me to get rid of this irrational fear. Walking closer to the edge of the pool felt like it took ages. Once I finally made it, I wanted to chicken out. Haru must've realized my uneasiness because, he grabs my hand once more.

"It's going to be okay." He reassures. I nod. He let's go of my hand and stands behind me. "I'm here for you." I nodded. I look at the pool again. My heart starts to race, my breath picks up...

"I can do this..." I whisper ever so quietly. I take a step closer. All that's in my head is what happened that night...  I try to block it out but I can't... I stood there for about a minute, unable to move. It was as if my feet are planted to the ground. Tears fill my eyes...

I can't do it... I can't... I take a few paces back, shaking my head.

"I can't..." I whimper, quietly sobbing to myself. 

"(Y/N), it's ok-" I quickly cut Haru off.

"But it's not okay!" I cry, making ugly sobbing noises. "I'm a failure!"

Instead of arguing with me, he lays down a towel a few feet away from the pool and passes me his sweatshirt.

"You'll get a cold..." He quietly mumbles. While I was still crying, I hesitantly slip it over myself. It was little big on me but, still warm. He sits down on the blue towel, motioning me to sit with him. I reluctantly did... My hand laid flat on the ground until, Haru put his over it, giving it a squeeze.

We sat there in silence, only the sounds of my small whimpering could be heard. I dry the rest of my tears, calming down a bit.

"You're not a failure... You were just scared and that's okay. It doesn't change how you are as a person..." Haru finally says. I didn't say anything, knowing if I contradict, it'll just make me cry again.

"What would Nagisa and Makoto think of me if they saw me chicken out like that?" I asks, already knowing the answer.

"They'd understand. Even Rin would understand."

I didn't say anything because I know that he is right... I know that no matter what, I still have my old childhood friends by my side...

But why do I still feel so shitty about this?

I let out a shutter, getting cold despite wearing a hoodie.

"We should go before you get a cold." He states, his cool and collected attitude coming back. I nod in reply.

Haru and I finally made it back to my house. Good thing it was on the way to Haru's.

"Thanks, Haru... For trying to help..." I mutter out as we stood in my driveway.

"Yeah..." He trails off, sounding like he wanted to say something more. I was about to say bye and leave but, I then realized that I'm still wearing his sweatshirt.

"Oh, here..." I say, about to slip the blue hoodie off me. Before I could though, he places his hands on my arms, preventing me from taking it off.

"Keep it." He says, his beautiful blue eyes avoiding my (e/c) ones. I tilt my head.

"You sure...?" I asks, an ever so small blush on my cheeks. He nods in reply. "Thanks..."

"I'll see you later, (Y/N)." He says after the mini awkward silence.

"Yeah, bye." I smile. He then walks away, as I watch, being thankful that I have him as a friend....

If he's my friend, why does my heart flutter every time I'm around him?


A lot of Reader x Haru moments but, there will definitely be Makoto moments too.

A lot of things have been going down in my life so, I'll try to update when I can.


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